Agree. We gotta unite. But to do that, during social media campaigns, we have to go for UNITY not U Suk replies to the oposers. This left vs right in politics has eaten our country alive. Its NOT left vs right, its US vs ((them)).
Ive been experimenting on Twatter with diff approaches of red pill. I had ONE tweet that got huge response and it was simply calling out MSM and why they arent reporting big stories. I ckd each "like" response and found libs, patriots, etc all agree on that
One big tweet was Iran thanking our President for NOT going along with the agreement. Pics from IRan dancing in the streets. I got back a spooky reply that was simply thia pic
Ive found the BEST campaigns that unite are about POSITIVE human aspect happenings that MSM does not report. A pic of that happening is necessary. They go nuts and retweet and respond positive. I think the majority of US agree about fake newsโฆ.they are waking up in this arena
I get it. Just b aware that there r ways to unfold and teach without being so obvious. Peace to you, anon.
T posts are a campaign to unite. Its just one facet of the many jobs we all have to do to support what we r fighting for. No diff than a planefag or lawyerfag. Good Tfags dont divulge Q posts, they unite on T by finding common ground theme so WE gain votes and outcry when WE need it. Nuf said on this subject.
TY. Im gonna ck that out. Kind of gave me chills. I do post as anonymous on T, but this just reminds me that none of us are truly anonymous ;)