God is not a father but our source. We are extensions of this and therefor we all act in source's name. Free will allows us to act/think/do the way we want to. However, our main goal is to return to the source and unite with that purest form of love and life energy.
BUT: We are only allowed back after we've learned everything we need to do. We must reach a certain level of consciousness before we are allowed to unite again.
So source doesn't decide for those souls what to do. That's their free will and that can't be taken away from them.
Souls decide themselves if they want to come back to earth over and over again or wish to evolve into the great consciousness they actually are in order to finally return home.
Many here will probably have to come back a several times more. Some were already reunited with the source but heard Earth's calling, Earth's cry for help. They volunteered to come back so they could help heal the Earth.