When you consider how many times the elite establishment has pointed directly at him and said "See the alt-right are all crazy." because of his talent for latching onto the most controversial issues and going ballistic over them, the evidence makes it clear that he's been drawing much more negative attention than positive to any cause we have.
Alternative media? When he brings more negativity upon a movement than Hannity, Limbaugh, Levin and Breitbart put together he is not an asset. If he's not an asset to the side he claims to be fighting for, then you have to ask the question, what is he?
We don't need that, especially if it results in this kind of division and yes, they are the ones that brought this division on, not Q. They came screaming out of the closet because they identified with Q's comments:
"Be careful who you are following."
"Some are profiting off this movement."
"Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream". And that's exactly what they did.
Notice, Q didn't name anyone and didn't tell anyone to not follow whomever they chose. Q merely said "be careful". If they had not gone ballistic over what anons were saying (not Q) the issue would have been over and done with.
But, in their turn toward the mainstream they lied about Q being comped and claimed the black hats that took over were "socialist" and "commie". Then over the course of two short days, it was suddenly no longer a matter of Q being comped. It turned into the same arguments against Q that the black hats have been pushing all along. Q's a "larp", Q's a "russian", Q's a "bot". We've heard those claims so many times since last Oct, that they are like a distant neighbors dog barking now; a minor irritation that you just tune out.
But, why did they come out screaming like they did? Because they were never about supporting Q and the movement. They were only about profiting off the hard work of anons here as long as they could until the time came to launch the big divide and that time had come. Q warned us early on this would happen. Q warned us that there were people we thought we could trust that we would later find out we couldn't. Sadly, this is not the end and there will be more attacks by others we thought we could trust. This avalanche has just begun… so hold on and stay the course.