Anonymous ID: 72ca83 June 3, 2021, 5:10 p.m. No.13824417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4446 >>4509 >>4539 >>4614 >>4632 >>4643 >>4648

Tom Fitton: Government Slow-Rolled FOIA Fauci Email Request Because Dr. Fauci WAS REVIEWING Each Email Before It Was Released


Judicial Watch founder and President Tom Fitton joined Spicer and Co. on Newsmax TV on Thursday night.


Fitton was invited on to discuss the explosive Fauci email release this week. Fitton said Judicial Watch has also requested Dr. Fauci emails and information on the coronavirus from last year.


And, then Tom dropped this bomb.

Judicial Watch was told by government officials that the emails were slow-walked because Dr. Fauci was personally reviewing each email before it was released.


Tom Fitton: One of the big issues is, why are we now getting them? Whether Judicial Watch or these other media outlets got them. We’ve asked for these documents for a year. They’ve been slow-rolling the release of documents. And you know the reason they told us they are slow-rolling them? In part because Fauci himself is reviewing each document before it is released… I’ve been doing this fo 24 years. I am not aware of a senior official like Fauci being directly involved in FOIA releases the way the government told us he is.

Anonymous ID: 72ca83 June 3, 2021, 5:11 p.m. No.13824430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4443 >>4445 >>4454 >>4493 >>4507 >>4554

Psaki calls Fauci an 'undeniable asset,' but dodges when asked for comment on emails


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki referred to Dr. Anthony Fauci as "an undeniable asset" in America's fight against the coronavirus on Thursday, but refused to weigh in on the controversy over newly-emerged emails of the doctor's from last spring.


Fauci has been blasted in recent days by critics who say the emails show he was misleading to the public on a number of issues relating to the pandemic.

What are the details?


A reporter questioned Psaki about an email exchange Fauci had with another doctor from early 2020, dismissing the "lab leak theory" that COVID-19 was leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The journalist asked, "Is that the position of the [Biden] administration and their top health experts that this was not engineered, or is that still an open question?"


"Well, I think we've spoken to this pretty extensively from here," Psaki replied. "Let me just say on Dr. Fauci and his emails — he's also spoken to this many, many times over the course of the last few days — and we'll let him speak for himself."


The press secretary went to call Fauci "an undeniable asset in our country's pandemic response," adding, "but it's obviously not that advantageous for me to re-litigate the substance of emails from 17 months ago."


Psaki went on to reiterate that the Biden recently asked the intelligence community to "redouble" efforts to investigate the origins of the virus, including the lab leak theory.


The theory has gained mainstream traction in recent weeks, despite several scientists and media outlets calling it a "conspiracy theory" in the early days of the outbreak.

Anonymous ID: 72ca83 June 3, 2021, 5:13 p.m. No.13824444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4447

Twitter Suspends Netanyahu’s Son for Promoting Protest


Yair Netanyahu, son of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has been suspended from Twitter because he promoted a protest outside the home of a member of a rival party.


Supporters of Netanyahu and of the political right in general have gathered outside the homes of Ayelet Shaked and Nir Orbach, who are both members of the Knesset from the Yamina party led by incoming Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, which won 6% of the vote in Israel’s March elections..


Bennett struck a deal with a coalition of predominantly left-wing parties to oust Netanyahu from the top job. Along the way, he broke almost every promise he had made to his party’s voters, leaving his party members politically vulnerable.


Orbach has indicated that he may vote against the coalition, which could prevent it from taking power, though the Times of Israel reported Thursday that his opposition had softened after a one-on-one meeting with Bennett earlier in the day.


Yair Netanyahu published a post on Facebook about the demonstrations at Orbach’s house, which led Facebook to suspend him for 24 hours. He later tweeted: “The Bolshevist Facebook suspended me for 24 hours because of the Deep State, the establishment, big tech and this picture! The pseudo-justice system — together with their puppets in the new government — are thrusting Israel into a very dark era.” He added several North Korean flags to his tweet.


Subsequently, Breitbart News has learned, Yair Netanyahu was suspended from Twitter and told that he had violated its policy on “posting private information.”


Twitter and Facebook have taken similar actions against other conservative activists in Israel.

Anonymous ID: 72ca83 June 3, 2021, 5:14 p.m. No.13824455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4468

Vulnerable Wisconsin Democrat’s Wife Likes Tweet Saying ‘Everyone Should Be Antifa’ After Nancy Mace’s Home Was Vandalized


Vulnerable Wisconsin Democrat Rep. Ron Kind’s wife, Tawni Kind, recently “liked” a tweet of an Antifa sympathizer who responded to Republican Rep. Nancy Mace’s (SC) tweet regarding her home being vandalized with “spray-painted ANTIFA graffiti.”


The tweet Tawni Kind “liked” recently included a graphic that said, “Antifa stands for anti-fascism.” The tweet has also claimed that veterans who had fought in World War II were a part of Antifa. During World War II, over 400,000 Americans lost their lives, and over 670,000 were wounded in battle.


The tweet Tawni Kind liked also makes clear that “anyone can be Antifa” and that “everyone should be Antifa” since Antifa is not an organization that you need to have a membership card for. The tweet was in response to one of the representative’s Republican colleagues, Mace, who tweeted shortly before that her home was vandalized with “spray-painted ANTIFA graffiti.”


Tawni Kind has since “unliked” the tweet after Breitbart News sent an inquiry to the congressman’s office.


— SavySuzy “will Rise Up!” (@SavysuzyRises) June 1, 2021


Mace’s original tweet said over the memorial day weekend, early in the day, “my home was vandalized w/ spray-painted ANTIFA graffiti. This kind of illegal act of intimidation shows the destructive division in our country and just how dangerous it can be. We can and must do better.” Mace also released a statement saying she and her kids are thankfully fine while noting, “There is a significant difference between nonviolent protests, and criminal acts of intimidation and vandalism. We should all be able to feel safe in our own homes, regardless of our political beliefs.”


In light of Tawni Kind supporting a tweet about how everyone should join Antifa, Mace told Breitbart News exclusively, “I appreciate Mrs. Kind’s perspective, and I’d be happy to debate the criminality of Antifa at any time.”


“Unfortunately, a lack of membership cards didn’t stop criminals from using Antifa language, hatred, and radicalism to harass me, traumatize my kids, and intimidate my neighbors,” Mace continued to say.


The congresswoman then added, “Antifa is a group of criminals who engage in criminal violence and destruction under the guise of political valor. Some of those criminals targeted my family and this type of rhetoric, endorsed by Mrs. Kind, is disgraceful.”


Early on Memorial Day, my home was vandalized w/ spray-painted ANTIFA graffiti. This kind of illegal act of intimidation shows the destructive division in our country and just how dangerous it can be.


We can and must do better.


— Rep. Nancy Mace (@RepNancyMace) June 1, 2021

Anonymous ID: 72ca83 June 3, 2021, 5:16 p.m. No.13824466   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chamber of Commerce Joins Alliance with Joe Biden for Mass Immigration


The United States Chamber of Commerce and President Joe Biden have seemingly hitched their agendas together in an effort to hugely expand legal immigration to the U.S. and provide amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.


During a virtual conference on Thursday, Chamber CEO and President Suzanne Clarke said the the big business lobby is leading “the charge” to increase the number of foreign visa workers that are Americans are forced to compete against for blue-collar and white-collar jobs, along with a campaign to provide illegal aliens with amnesty.


“The world’s best and brightest who want to pour their talent and energy into our economy should have every opportunity to do so which is why the Chamber will continue to lead the charge in doubling employment-based immigration, including H-1B and H-2B visas,” Clarke said.


As Breitbart News reported, the Chamber has launched the initiative to allow businesses to import more foreign H-1B visa workers to take white-collar U.S. jobs, foreign H-2B visa workers to take blue-collar U.S. jobs, more seamlessly provide green cards to foreign students at American universities, and give tech conglomerates and the outsourcing industry a green card giveaway.


Also in the Chamber’s initiative is a plan that would allow local politicians in small and rural American communities to import foreign visa workers to grow the region’s population and take U.S. jobs.


The Chamber couples its huge expansion of legal immigration with an amnesty for, specifically, illegal aliens eligible and enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and those with Temporary Protected Status (TPS).


The provisions are nearly identical to that of the Biden administration’s plan.


Under Biden’s plan, introduced in the Senate by Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), DACA and TPS illegal aliens would be given amnesty — in addition to the majority of all illegal aliens living in the U.S.


Likewise, the Biden plan includes Big Tech’s green card giveaway, increases to the H-1B and H-2B visa programs, makes it easier for foreign students to secure green cards, and would start a pilot program allowing local politicians to import foreign visa workers in small American towns.


The shared goals between the Chamber and Biden are in direct contrast to the opinions of most Americans. The latest Rasmussen Reports survey, for example, shows that 75 percent of likely U.S. voters said they want less legal immigration — including nearly 4-in-10 who want current legal immigration levels cut in more than half.


Whereas the nation’s workforce supports a tightened labor market where employees have the upper hand over employers, the plans by the Chamber and Biden seek to diminish the cost of labor by inflating the labor market to grow profit margins.


Currently, about 1.2 million legal immigrants are awarded green cards annually to permanently resettle in the U.S. This is in addition to the roughly 1.4 million foreign nationals who secure work visas to take U.S. jobs every year in the American economy. On top of these admissions, rubber-stamped by the federal government, hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens enter the U.S. annually and many take entry-level jobs meant for teens and the working class.