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From: Trevor Mundel (b)(6)
Sent: Monday, March ---– 9, 2020 5:57 PM
-~~ To: Collins, Francis (NIH/OD) [E] _ CbH_6)>; Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAID) [E]
Cc: Dan Wattendorf (b)(6); Jennifer Weisman -–!:=~=-..::~—- (b )( 6) >
Subject: COVID-19
Dear Francis, Tony,
I wanted to give you a heads up on a call that Bill will have with Vice President Pence tomorrow around
the COVID-19 situation. As you might be aware, we have been running an influenza transmission study
in Seattle for the last 2 years. This involves at-home testing for ILi-symptomatic individuals (who log-in
via a web app) and collection of nasal swabs, which are then sequenced for a range of respiratory
pathogens . Dan can give you more details on this study if you have questions. When the Coronavirus
situation arose, we added this to the list of pathogens and hence were able to detect some of the early
cases in Washington.
The CDC has been very interested in the approach and at one point we had the highest screening
capacity in the US (though only 400 samples per day, so I hope this is no longer true). At the same time,
we have developed a COVID-19 at-home screening and information system with robust software that
approximates what China was doing but also takes into account the opt-in requirements that are
necessary in the US.
We want to propose going beyond the Seattle area- this would be gated only by availability of testing.
We can deploy this ready-now system more broadly in the US. Ideally we would also do a parallel
outreach to some African countries. I'd be interested in your views and would be happy to jump on a
quick call.
Warm regards,
Trevor Mund el, MD, PhD
President, Global Health Program