Because God calls the devil the Dragon, the Serpent, and identifies him as the adversary to Adam and Eve.
And also tells us to be hospitable to strangers, for many have hosted angels unawares.
So, there's the "reptilian" twist; they're angels.
Who can look like human beings.
Be indistinguishable from human beings.
And mate with human beings (nephilim; giants).
Icke is all over the reptilian angle, but he completely dismisses the actual, true, biblical description of these inter-dimensional invisible shape shifting beings. Who, by the by, can still appear as angels of light, and can so cloak their ministers.
There are many shift workers here; the world watches this site, and many intel agencies, including ours, have people monitoring this board. And the enemies of Trump have deep pockets, and pay people to shill here, like the person you're responding to.
Who, by the way, is incapable of being offended.
It's like a fish being incapable of being wet.