you use them as props.
you sexualize them
you're theme sucks.
who blames them? you just like showing pictures of sexual preditor children
you use them as props.
you sexualize them
you're theme sucks.
who blames them? you just like showing pictures of sexual preditor children
when I'm here with all the misinformers, and all the anon are gone, I notice how I used to be a lot more combative and I'd actually try to convince the bot-shills or whoever that fester here and put up the drip-drip-drip think of the degenerate, always choose the worst decision, ignore all moral advice' type of shill, they give you bad advice, constant bad advice. They always bring it to worst case sexuality. ETC
well they aren't reall. It's a script, like a playlist. Someoen crafts it and uses it and 'runs' it, like playing a recording
but it's a bit more advanced. If it gets a response it will give back some kind of alternative, off of it's script. Usually it fishes.
some benign post where it doesn't say anything real, or reveal that it even has reviewed or otherwise noted your other purposes within that bread.
so it's a 'bot', or what some call and AI. I figure it's a lisp or python object that lives in a operating system somewhere, perhaps it's a methodolgoy of looping and time sharing that allows for it to persist outside of a process, the process will act as a host. And they'd have these processes running as botnet all over the world. living in nodes of unknown quality as part of the world-machine.
they'd of course pretend it was a conscious thing. And maybe they might even start to worship their magic eightball system, but a magic eight ball is what it would be.
so the point: there is no responding to it. It isn't a logical creature that has a capacity to grow or emphatize. It's a distribution network, a playback tape machine that cannot record you, or respond to you. It's like trying to converse with a Monty Python record. "if you bang the table and the record skips, the record skips"
"does it become an oracle?" NO!
but someone will suggest it and say 'lets worship this now'
my point: you can't reason with or convert or enlighten a recording that is being played back. Understand that is what you face when you face the shillbot image flood.
how so?
why is what you post, so terse, not just mocking?
tell me what you think 'the plan' is?
why do you assume that anyone ever felt that even when Q said it, it wasn't just mocking?
or misinterpreted?
whose plan, what plan?
unless you can explain what you do is just mocking.
no one in your false-view cartoon world is ever worth the time or garners any compassion.
all your characters are trite and disrespectful parodies of people. Do you expect people really attend to this? or do they just filter it as they see it, never read it, ignore it, feel sorry for you for being so blind.
if you had a talent why would you use it to promote these false images of people with no redemptive qualities? Who is your audience? What effect are you trying to convey?
you make a throw away and you get thrown away.
does that tell us about you?
do any of your worlds of cartoons hae anywhere to rest? do you ever draw or convey the idea of happy sleeping dreaming soul growth?
all in all your work, to put it technically is a major downer.
and a waste of our time.
up your game or up your . . . what would you have your charater say?
disclaimer: no youre not.
by the way you go right to the 'you are broken, your thought processes . . . '
as if you give a shit.
so what do I do: I demonstrate the behaviors of the various lurking types, and their bot assist.
I am sending arrows in iquirey out into the emptiness of other people's vaccumms which they demonstrate by how they behave towards me.
I often find the ones who go straight to as if they are corrupt middle-euorope 'psychologist at the East German mental hospital of their own minds.
it's a sad personality type, that grub with the click board who 'knows' what your 'problem' is and rights terse crap >>13827434
(it's a parady you get from old television).
but they seem to be real. And they seem to be full of themselves. And they think of themselves as the board police, or the overlords of the board.
notice that the quality of the images changes with the seasons. They chased away an annoyance shill who had developed new flooding methods. It was manifested as a staged show of namefag characters.
and then they switched the board right back to this presentation of junivenalia and constant sex-violence-rape-humiliation reminders and gape-mouthed shill-faced mean-bitch people being mean to each other.
and I discuss this, and point it out and write copious in a free flowing style of a real person.
this , to put it technically, pisses them off.
most of the people who would have been lurking a long time ago were chased away from here. Some stayed. Some just lurk.
other from time to time will prode and poke and see what's here.
and that pisses them off (who them?)
oh, an 'my thought processes'
some where there is a guy with a big grubby flea bitten face and a beard that needs a shave and he's writing something on his clip board . . .
'how do I make it back to minsk for the cave opening dance'?
there he is shilling for candidates.
hey, but no one wants to talk to me? I'm the lonely bag lady?
why don't you just accept that other people use the board and aren't political shills bent on world domination?
PS: when you do the svengalli crap I don't even get past your first reptitition.
I could post Little Feat for you . . .
down on the farm, are ya.
again: I've dealt with bullies who haze since childhood. I don't read past the first pejorative.
you'll have to be respectful if you actually want me to read your post.
"it ain't true it ain't true it ain't true
it ain't true
Lindy Lu"
thunderstorms in Hamton Roads today . . . .
you IP hopped to type that?
look at you, the best at put downs with the ego that says you can shut up other anon by saying 'you only do this because of ego'
guilty of what you accuse?
what if this were read at your funeral, as your contribution? how would the family think of you then, anon?
seriously they degenerate and turn into gang staulking. it bugs them that some anon are still here watching and lurking.
feel better
apply your thought to yourself and don't worry about mind, obviously you're still doing the 'evil psychologist over lord in prison' bit.
you suggested that someone else commit suicide and described it in detail.
you are in no position to continue to try to sound resasonable and pretend that you, yourself, don't need to go into counciling and confess what you did to your mangers and beg them for forgiveness for breeching protocols.
'everyone else'
your team IP hops and you gang staulk and play mindgames.
I know what you do, I see you do it. I describe it.
It bugs you so you try to pry into my mind.
I don't let you in.
your curse is for you. you describe what you yourself may face.
it has nothing to do with me.
you have a lot of bad shit to face.
sad for you
did you read the other posters, IP hopper?
because I don't think that you are seeing what they are saying.
Sad that you IP hop to do this and I know what it is and yet you people continue with it.
sad for you.
when they send out their spells to harm you they do it saying they are concerned. they degenerate into to operational conditioning of a person trying to groom someone into suicide. then they suggest that it's you who has a problem, why can't you get along with them.
because they aren't here to get along.
they are here to murder the board.
they'd do it one anon at a time if they could.
they hate that some of us are awake and aware and see their constant flood of poisionsed thoughts and images, and know what they are trying to weeve.
but the time of day does arrive when you musdt do the stuff that needs to happen outside of monitoring this fowl backwater.
so you have a nice day, all you who suggest suicide, and please don't really do it.
even though when you send it out to others, it staulks you instead. It's your idea, you made it, you own it. Please don't really do it.
and stop saying to do it to others.
if you work for an agency and you say that it may very well be abuse of the public. It may be a civil rights violation. you may face war crimes charges for abusing your office.
if you end up
outside the prison
and see all those still inside
unjustly held
can you really ever just walk away?
these hateful shills are in a prison of their own minds. I didn't ever live in there with them. I can just walk away. They are perhaps not unjustly there?
their hateful ways tells us that they are inside a prison in their own mind: with walls of hateful falisity that they put between them and others.
suggesting all kinds of horror.
and yet you ask? could they just be simulated hateful people? if so they would still need to be hosted on someones host to be able to post here.
it doesn't look good to me for the originators of some of this 'psycho play'.
I playfull suggest that they are war criminals.
others may not be so playful when this place gets a review some day, and it's known who you really were and what you said. when youre at your review 'what did you mean, legacy son, you wished that anon 'bled out?'