NAFTA + Clinton sex scandal = look here not there
like a clock, (USA) every point of production to final implementation only after the goods arrive, 12, we lost 12.01 to 11.59.
Patriot Act, written and failed to pass 11 times before 9/11 ushered it in 5 days to ensure as we went from all positions of the clock and signaled the controlled demolition of the USA for the inevitable North American Union.
Plandemic, the next major marker, is the last stop before the UN comes in and forces the world body to accept USA must die. Not as fast as we might think, this is another 10 year cycle, just like NAFTA, provide incentive's to stay home, allow illegal migration, they take the job's, you take the welfare, and soon, those who took the jobs will take the welfare, and the new illegal's will fill their jobs.
Like the Patriot act, what big freedom stripping legislation is next?
We are fucked, no Q, no Trump, is going to alter this path. Only the power of the people, who so divided in belief, loyalty, materialism, still chose their belief over sacrifice or love of brother and sisters.
I wish I saw this working out, I don't. I see lot's of pain and suffering coming and we aren't doing enough.
Letting others do for you is communism, apparently along the way, our patriotic soldiers lost their will to stand, and now are our escorts, to the hellish fate we have on the horizon.
Even if Trump comes back, we are destined for the path we refused to veer off of, PAIN for everyone but the soldier of the elite and the elite. Can you blame them, they told us what they were going to do, but to stop it required action, and we thought & trusted others to do for us what we should have done for ourselves.
we were conquered by demoralization, this rich Judea Christian nation of faith, willingly allowed this to happen in order to keep their life and possessions' while hating their neighbor.