Anonymous ID: 5c5697 June 4, 2021, 12:30 p.m. No.13829915   🗄️.is 🔗kun

great interview


Interview with former head of AAPS Dr Lee Merritt on Vaccine Shedding on the New American

26 minutes


Dr Lee thinks the shedding might be real.

Started by talking to Judy Mikovits, who thought vax might be activating latent viruses in body of the recipient.

But then -

"we started to see the bleeding."

Case of MD who died of a brain bleed with ZERO platelets. "this is not something we see"


Sudden bleeding and blood clots - Dr Lee started collected the VAERS data (authorities are paying no attention)


Now we're having all these cases of post-menopausal vaginal bleeding of women. Also little girls with vaginal bleeding. Men having testicular pain. All unvaxxed - but had been around those who have been vaxxed.


term: "self disseminating vaccines"

Do we have them?

Unfortunately, we have a long sad history of researchers trying to get a way to depopulate certain populations. after WW2, SE Asia. Racial specific bio-bombs. Tactile bioweapons (for use in S Africa).


To get rid of the mouse population, they developed vaxxes that are like Sars-CoV-2 w/spike proteins. Want to sterilize the population of mouse - put in bodily secretions. Goes for 2 or 3 passes, then it stops. Destroyed female ovaries.


We now know that the spike proteins (S1 subunit) can reproduce all the symptoms of Covid 19.


Why can't we get a sample from CDC of the virus? Becausemaybe there never was a viral outbreak - Instead, suppose it was a biological weapon spread tactically.


The vaxxes reproduces the actual pathogen in your system.

Then it can potentially shed.

over a 100 cases of a very rare disorder: thrombocytopenia

that alone should have stopped dissemination of the vaxxes.

Yeadon: "The gov't is trying to kill you."

[Thrombocytopenia is a condition in which you have a low blood platelet count….Platelets stop bleeding by clumping and forming plugs in blood vessel injuries.]


Now they want to vax children. NO. THERE IS ZERO JUSTIFICATION. [same with mumps previously].It's criminally immoral.



Fauci gave $10mil to Ralph Baric in N Carolina - "Mr. Bat Corona Virus."

Mebbe someone tapped Fauci on the shoulder - and said that's illegal (bc it's gain-of-function research). Same in Winnipeg lab. [so sent to Wuhan instead?]

This has been going on a long time, this didn't just start recently.

Fauci "is just lying through his teeth."

It's unbelievable that the lab tech's who worked with Dr. Frank Plummer and were caught sending samples back to CCP, and nothing happened - no investigation, they were just sent back to China. Plummer was in Africa when he suddently drops dead of a heart attack. Somebody is cutting off this thread of info.


Fauci is the bag man. He has bought obedience with his money or by threatening to withdraw it. He can use discretionary funds to buy off governors, etc. That's how they kill HCQ, ivermectin and promote the vaxxes.


Where is the medical community on all this?

We're in a crux.

Medicine is either here for the patients or we're here for "some evil program run by the Federal govt and their minions."


Lee Merritt's new website:
