22-Oct-2020 10:58:18 AM PDT
8kun/qresearch 11214309
On the weekend of Oct 23rd, the current BO of this board hired around 5 extra "good folk, trust me".
On that same weekend, there started a mass spam campaign that involved gore, girls in yellow, pepe's, and american flags. Posted by the same means, of 40+ individual posts per thread.
No actions were taken by the new team of 5 extra "good folk, trust me" against this drumbeat deployment.
>I'm sure it's just a coincidence we got our first major gore flood just a day after the new BV's are online to "help".
>No, it gets better.
>On this day, Oct 24, after the gore and during Gay marriage commands and rings [The marriage proposal to 'henry-cavill' - the name they chose to personify their deployment], Obama was making a speech.
The assets flooding our board, sanctioned by the BO and his team of 5 extra "good folk, trust me", were used to assist a deployed spell/anchor that involved Obama.
Question: Are they working for us, or against us?
Even further beyond: Did Q post 'Tidy up the ship' to expose the current admin crew?
[CIA] 'farm'ers entrain this board to their drumbeat of how we should experience tomorrow.
Generally it's a small group of well trained sociopaths with botnets who take over the social consensus of their target with "Rock star"/Fandom, ThoughtPolice/LittleGuy themes.
Lately, they seem to enjoy the "shitting schizo mumbling to himself in the corner" show. Undoubtedly leveraging the fact that their 24/7 presence has built an unconscious trust with you and you'll mirror their insanity if you slide down that thought pathway they've setup for you.
Be careful who you follow.
Sixty-two thousand four hundred repetitions make one truth.
That means at least 4 posts a thread have been used to force "truths"[lies] into the reader.
You think the professional sociopaths don't know?
There are a handful of "truths" felt viscerally by you, that are not your own thoughts.
They are the poison of our enemy.
Their cloak of concealment is your apathy; Your aversion.
The frustration they bake into you
Ever wondered how their pictures affect our world?
Mass masks, fear of confrontation?
<Cat in a bane mask.
Jan 6th / 'secret MAGA patriot network of hidden signals'?
<"MAGA patriots code red"
Now the real kicker, is that each of these themes started here.
They pre-shape our expectations/impressions so they can change our future.
These people are sick
From the latest DoD Report on China's Military:
>The PLA Strategic Support Force (SSF) is a theater command-level organization established to centralize the PLA’s strategic space, cyber, electronic, and psychological warfare missions and capabilities. The SSF Network Systems Department is responsible for cyberwarfare, technical reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and psychological warfare. Its current major target is the United States.
>The PRC’s Influence Operations:
>The PRC conducts influence operations to achieve outcomes favorable to its strategic objectives by targeting cultural institutions, media organizations, business, academic, and policy communities in the United States, other countries, and international institutions.
The CCP seeks to condition domestic, foreign, and multilateral political establishments and public opinion to accept Beijing’s narratives.
CCP leaders probably consider open democracies, including the United States, as more susceptible to influence operations than other types of governments.
Would you listen to the moral compass of a parasite?
Is the infection, the host?
Inspect yourself in this moment
in this one, and this next
For they have twisted our minds to their end.