Anonymous ID: 58fc9d June 4, 2021, 4:35 p.m. No.13831287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1329

Fisher-Price Recalls Baby Soothers After 4 Infant Deaths Set


EL SEGUNDO, Calif.—Fisher-Price says it is recalling a model of its baby soothers after the deaths of four infants who were placed on their backs unrestrained in the devices and later found on their stomachs.


In a joint statement with the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Fisher-Price said Friday it is recalling its 4-in-1 Rock ‘n Glide Soothers, which are designed to mimic the motion of a baby being rocked in someone’s arms.


The fatalities between April 2019 and February 2020 were a 4-month old from Missouri, a 2-month old from Nevada, a 2-month old from Michigan and an 11-week old from Colorado, according to the statement.


Fisher-Price, a division of El Segundo, California-based Mattel Inc., is also recalling a similar product, the 2-in-1 Soothe ’n Play Glider, although there were no reported deaths connected to it.


“Inclined products, such as gliders, soothers, rockers and swings are not safe for infant sleep, due to the risk of suffocation,” CPSC Acting Chairman Robert Adler said.


Fisher-Price General Manager Chuck Scothon, said the company is committed to educating parents and caregivers on the safe use of its products, “including the importance of following all warnings and instructions.”


About 120,000 4-in-1 Rock ‘n Glide Soothers and 55,000 2-in-1 Soothe ‘n Play Gliders were sold from January 2014 through December 2020 for about $108. The 2-in-1 Soothe ‘n Play Gliders were sold from November 2018 through May 2021 for about $125.


There were also 25,000 4-in-1 Rock ‘n Glide Soothers and 27,000 2-in-1 Soothe ’n Play Gliders distributed in Canada.

Anonymous ID: 58fc9d June 4, 2021, 4:43 p.m. No.13831340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1348

Twitter Suspends ICAN for Second Time in 24 Hours Over Fauci Email Dump, ICAN Promises More to Come


"This has gone from ridiculous to insane"


Twitter has locked ICAN out of their account for the second time in 24 hours after they publicized their newly released dump of emails from Anthony Fauci.


National File reported on Thursday that the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) was locked out of their Twitter account for 12 hours, after they publicized that they had acquired 2,957 pages of emails sent from Anthony Fauci between February and May of last year. The Big Tech platform locked the organization dedicated to increasing informed consent regarding vaccinations out of their account due to alleged violations of their misinformation policy regarding COVID-19, despite the fact that their tweet seemingly did not break any of the rules under that specific regulation.


Speaking exclusively to National File, Del Bigtree, the founder of ICAN, said it was “ironic” that Twitter shut down their account, given the emails that were to be published were obtained using the Freedom of Information Act, a piece of legislation designed to allow the public access to otherwise hidden government information:


They all seem to allude to anything that goes against WHO statements or guidelines or the CDC will be censored. I think that number one, the WHO is not an American agency, and so I find that very troubling that we have Americans and American company that is referring to an international or foreign body for how we communicate in this country, I think, is a very dangerous precedent.. We’re being told now that questioning a government agency is illegal or misinformation or dangeorus information. That’s exactly the point of journalism, especially in the United States of America, our Founding Fathers referred to the news or the media as the fourth estate, or the fourth branch of government.


Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, they all wrote about the importance of journalists being completely free and to never shy away from asking the hard questions of government agencies, of industries… I don’t think anyone’s under the impression that our government is run by total immaculate, moral beings, and so to have the criteria be, you’ve got to be in agreement with our government, goes against everything that our Constitution in the United States of America and our Bill of Rights is all about, especially when it comes to free speech.

Anonymous ID: 58fc9d June 4, 2021, 4:43 p.m. No.13831347   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Border Patrol arrests of criminal illegal immigrants skyrocket 900% in sector of Texas


There has been a massive spike in arrests of illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds in the Laredo Sector of Texas, which includes gang members and sex offenders.


Border Patrol agents in the Laredo Sector arrested nearly 760 criminal illegal immigrants since the beginning of this fiscal year, which began Oct. 1, 2020, according to a news release from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Compared to the same time period the year before, Border Patrol only arrested 60 criminal illegal immigrants in the Laredo Sector — an alarming increase of more than 900%.


On Wednesday, Laredo Sector Border Patrol agents and the Laredo Police Department shut down three stash houses and apprehended 182 illegal immigrants in the city of Laredo, according to a CBP news release. The migrants who were arrested originated from Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, El Salvador, and Honduras.


"The identification and interdiction of these stash houses and the apprehension of over 180 non-citizens in less than two hours highlights the challenges that our agents and law enforcement partners face on a daily basis," Chief Patrol Agent Matthew Hudak said. "These numbers also illustrate the potential risk to our communities from this criminal activity and those perpetrating it."


Also on Wednesday, the CBP announced that it had two successful drug busts at the Laredo Juarez-Lincoln Port of Entry, where Border Patrol agents seized 167 pounds of methamphetamine and 21 pounds of cocaine worth over $3.5 million in street value.


"In an effort to secure our nation's borders, as these narcotics seizures clearly illustrate, CBP has implemented enforcement strategies that have furthered the disruption of dangerous drugs entering the country," Acting Laredo Port Director Eugene Crawford said.


Border Patrol seizures of illegal drugs have spiked in recent months, especially with fentanyl, which CBP agents have confiscated more of the deadly drug in the fiscal year 2021 than all of the fiscal year 2020.


Meanwhile, in the neighboring Del Rio Sector, which is also in Texas on the southern border, arrests of convicted sex offenders have skyrocketed during the current border crisis. Border Patrol arrests of convicted sex offenders in the Del Rio Sector are up a whopping 3,166% compared to the same timeframe last fiscal year. There were 95 arrested, including 10 in one week — between May 17 and 24.


"The convictions of those apprehended include forcible sexual assault, sexual assault of a child under 14, sexual conduct with a person under 13, statutory rape, second-degree sexual assault of a child, and lewd and lascivious acts with a child," according to Fox News.


"The majority of these criminals were apprehended in our sector's most remote areas, attempting to avoid detection by crossing far from populated areas," Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Austin Skero said in a statement. "Our agents' sign cutting and tracking skills were instrumental in capturing these criminals, preventing them from infiltrating our communities."

Anonymous ID: 58fc9d June 4, 2021, 4:44 p.m. No.13831349   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Establishment Media Admit Denying Republicans Airtime After January 6



Key figures across the establishment media have confirmed denying Republicans who voted against certifying the Electoral College results airtime is a daily routine on their broadcasts.


CNN’s Jake Tapper recently said during a podcast interview on the New York Times’ “Sway” that he is engaging in the practice of not even inviting such Republicans on his show.


“It’s not a policy, but it’s a philosophy where I just don’t want to deal with it,” Tapper said.


He then added he’s willing to have only “about a third of the House Republican caucus” on his show. Ultimately, as Politico Playbook reported, this means he doesn’t agree with the “philosophy” or “want to deal with” any of the Republican leadership. That means no House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), no House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA), and no recently elected House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-NY) on Tapper’s show. Tapper said he believes they could lie to his audience, so he will not even let them appear on his program and is not even trying to invite them on.


Hosts of the MSNBC show Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brezinski, have made similar statements regarding the media blackout on Republicans with whom they disagree. Brezinski had recently called out media outlets for, according to Politico Playbook, “booking Republicans who supported the big lie and tiptoed around it just because they’re so grateful to have a Republican on to talk about other things.” Reportedly, there has not been a single Republican that Morning Joe has invited onto the show since January 6.


Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace, meanwhile, has reportedly looked at the establishment media ban a different way. Wallace told Politico Playbook that he does not “think moral posturing goes well with news gathering.” Wallace said he has tried to be “tough” on “Republicans who voted against certifying the election” and noted he has been a critic of former President Donald Trump even during his presidency. In a statement, Wallace added that “[t]here are plenty of people I would like to have on Fox News Sunday that voted to challenge the election — House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy for one.” Wallace had also said he does not “have any rule about what the first question has to be,” noting he has asked “plenty of guests about voting to challenge the election and about Trump’s role in the January 6th insurrection. But I cover the news, wherever that takes me.”


After Politico Playbook obtained this information from Wallace, Tapper gave the outlet an additional comment:


“This isn’t a policy, it’s a discussion I think everyone in the news media should be having. Should those who shared the election lie that incited the deadly attack on the Capitol and that continues to erode confidence in our democracy be invited onto our airwaves to continue to spread the Big Lie? Can our viewers count on these politicians to tell the truth about other topics? This isn’t an easy conversation for some folks — especially for journalists who work for organizations where the Big Lie was platformed — but that’s all the more reason to have this conversation.”


NBC’s Chuck Todd, who hosts Meet the Press, meanwhile, has said in the past that “he doesn’t ban categories of guests,” but apparently that changed after the events of January 6. Since then, according to Politico Playbook, Todd has yet to have a single Republican on his broadcast. When Todd had a guest column in a January edition of Politico Playbook, he wrote: “No matter the reason, the silence [from Republicans] only ended up reinforcing the belief that only Democrats and members of the media were feeling outrage at the president’s actions.”

Anonymous ID: 58fc9d June 4, 2021, 4:44 p.m. No.13831351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1422

Weiss: What Happens When Doctors Can't Tell The Truth?


Whole areas of research are off-limits. Top physicians treat patients based on their race. An ideological 'purge' is underway in American medicine…


Several hundred health-care workers protest against police brutality on June 5, 2020, in St Louis. (Michael B. Thomas/Getty Images)


I always thought that if you lived through a revolution it would be obvious to everyone. As it turns out, that’s not true. Revolutions can be bloodless, incremental and subtle. And they don’t require a strongman. They just require a sufficient number of well-positioned true believers and cowards, like those sitting in the C-suite of nearly every major institution in American life.


That’s one of the lessons I have learned over the past few years as the institutions that have upheld the liberal order — our publishing houses, our universities, our schools, our non-profits, our tech companies — have embraced a Manichean ideology that divides people by identity and punishes anyone that doesn’t adhere to every aspect of that orthodoxy.


This is wrong when it happens at a company Apple or Condé Nast. But there are sectors where the stakes of the ideological takeover are higher. Like K-12 education.


Readers of this newsletter know that I’ve been particularly focused on it. In part, this is because the legacy press is ignoring or lying about the story. In part it’s because the stakes feel so high.


But if any area is more urgent, it is the world of medicine, where the ability to speak truthfully is quite literally a matter of life and death. Without being able to discuss reality and take intellectual risks, it’s impossible to get to the truth. No truth, no medical progress.


For several months, I have been talking to a group of doctors who are alarmed at what they are witnessing in some of the top medical schools and hospitals in the country. It was clear that this was a story that deserved to be told. And Katie Herzog was the perfect person to pursue it.


Katie could have had a career as a stand-up, but for some reason she decided to become a journalist. And she is a fearless one. I first learned of her work when she was writing for The Stranger in Seattle, covering topics including detransition, the scandal at Evergreen State College, and the impact of what we now call cancel culture on some small businesses in the Pacific Northwest. She is now, along with Jesse Singal, the host of a podcast called Blocked and Reported.

Anonymous ID: 58fc9d June 4, 2021, 4:55 p.m. No.13831411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1426 >>1547

Jake Tapper Blacklists Republicans Who Question 2020 Election Despite Giving Stacey Abrams Platform to Claim Election Interference in 2018


CNN’s Jake Tapper has vowed to blacklist Republicans who question the results of the 2020 presidential election, despite giving Stacey Abrams a platform in 2018 to do just that and claim election interference following her loss to now-Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R).


During an appearance last week on Kara Swisher’s New York Times podcast, “Sway,” Tapper insisted “there’s about a third of the House Republican caucus that I am willing to book” and offered to provide names of those who he felt safe enough to interview.


Following his comments on the podcast, Tapper released a statement to Politico Playbook, attempting to backtrack and say this “isn’t a policy,” but rather a “discussion” on whether to continue having on certain Republicans.


This isn’t a policy, it’s a discussion I think everyone in the news media should be having. Should those who shared the election lie that incited the deadly attack on the Capitol and that continues to erode confidence in our democracy be invited onto our airwaves to continue to spread the Big Lie? Can our viewers count on these politicians to tell the truth about other topics? This isn’t an easy conversation for some folks — especially for journalists who work for organizations where the Big Lie was platformed — but that’s all the more reason to have this conversation.


Tapper’s stance on the issue is being widely viewed as partisan position as he previously gave Abrams a platform in 2018 when she claimed there was deliberate interference in the gubernatorial race she lost.


When asked whether she believed there was “deliberate interference” in Georgia’s 2018 gubernatorial race, Abrams responded, “Yes. And I believe it began eight years ago with the systematic disenfranchisement of more than a million voters.”


“It continued with the underfunding and disinvestment in polling places, in training and in the management of the county delivery of services,” Abrams added. “And I think it had its pinnacle in this race.”


During her appearance on Tapper’s program, Abrams also refused to acknowledge Kemp as the legitimate winner of the election.


“The law, as it stands, says that he received an adequate number of votes to become the governor of Georgia, and I acknowledge the law as it stands,” Abrams said at the time. “I am a lawyer by training and I have taken the Constitutional oath to uphold the law.”


When pressed on the issue and asked once more at the time on whether she viewed Kemp as “the legitimate governor-elect of Georgia,” Abrams said, “He is the person who won the adequate number of votes to become the governor.”


“He is the legal governor of Georgia,” Abrams continued. “Words have meaning. I spent my lifetime not only as an attorney but as a writer and I’m careful of the words I choose. When he takes the oath of office he will be the legal governor of the state of Georgia, the legal victor.”


“What you are looking to me to say is that there was no compromise of our democracy and there should be some political compromise in the language I use and that’s not right,” she added. “What’s not right is saying that something was done properly when it was not. I will never deny the legal premature that says he is in this position and I pray for his success.”


“But will not I say that this election was not tainted, was not a disinvestment and disenfranchisement of thousands of voters,” Abrams concluded.

Anonymous ID: 58fc9d June 4, 2021, 4:57 p.m. No.13831436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1484

Louisiana Sec of State Kyle Ardoin Wants to Purchase $100 Million in Voting Machine Equipment But this Is the Last Thing Louisianians Want


Louisiana voters are not buying the Republican Secretary of State’s request for the state to buy $100 million in Dominion voting machines.


This past Tuesday we reported on the bill being pushed through the Louisiana legislature that does little to protect fair and free elections while giving ultimate power to the Secretary of State who is pushing the state to buy $100 million in Dominion voting machines.


Numerous Americans from the Bayou state wrote to us after the above article was posted and thanked us. Others have asked to keep the story alive.


One reader shared the following:


Two days ago we broadly circulated a piece in Louisiana the GP wrote regarding the corruption of Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin. That piece was a massive help in our effort to inform the people of Louisiana of what is really happening at the Capitol. Thank you!


We need you one more time. The State Senator who is acting in collusion with the SOS is Sharon Hewitt. She is the author of Senate Bill 221, a horrible piece of legislation that does nothing to protect us against the most lethal threat to the integrity of our vote: electronic voter fraud. The best cybersecurity experts in the country have said that no electronic voting system is invulnerable- ALL of them are acutely vulnerable to external manipulation and vote switching and provide no mechanism for reliable audit or recount. Further, it appears that Hewitt and Ardoin are jockeying to award a $100m election contract to Dominion Voting Machines. The following are the major problems with the bill:


1) SECURE PAPER BALLOTS. Although Sen Hewitt is on record acknowledging that the people of Louisiana are demanding this, it is nowhere in her Bill. This is HUGE, as the best cyber experts in the world say all electronic voting systems can easily be hacked, and secure, readable, counterfeit-proof paper ballots with a dumb scanner is the only reliable way to secure our vote. Sen. Hewitt knows this.


2) INDEPENDENT CYBERSECURITY EXPERTS. The bill is anemic regarding outside, independent, skilled cybersecurity experts who will test the systems and determine all vulnerabilities and recommend the best system. The bill also provides no criteria for the selection of such experts. We must have independent, highly skilled outside experts with experience in cybersecurity fraud who will sign sworn, written disclosures that they have no financial, proprietary, or professional interest in any vendor or in the Louisiana Secretary of State’s office.


3). ARBITRARY SOS APPOINTMENT POWER. The bill gives SOS Ardoin sole authority to choose the 5 member Evaluation Committee that will make the final recommendation regarding which voting company will receive $100 million dollars of taxpayer money. Ardoin has repeatedly demonstrated that he is ethically compromised, as Sen. Hewitt has CLEARLY pointed out, in writing. It is bewildering that her bill affords this type of power to him. Kyle Ardoin will not even exclude Dominion Voting Systems from consideration. WHAT are we doing? Ardoin has an agenda.


4). MORE BUREAUCRACY, NO TRANSPARENCY. The bill sets up a bureaucratic commission to consider and recommend a voting system and strips the Attorney General’s office of its traditional oversight authority over this process. This must be reinserted. After doing research today after speaking with Sen. Hewitt, I feel even stronger about this than I did before. The AG has had oversight authority over our election systems for 50 years, and it should stay that way.


5) FOREIGN VENDORS. We have repeatedly requested that the following amendment be added to Hewitt’s bill, which should be non-controversial: “No contract for the provision of any electronic voting machines shall be awarded to any provider that is wholly or partially owned by any foreign country or foreign company.” The fact that Hewitt refuses to agree to this language speaks volumes.

Our voting system is on the line. PLEASE help us expose Hewitt. Time is short.

Anonymous ID: 58fc9d June 4, 2021, 4:58 p.m. No.13831447   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Steve Bannon: NIH Director Francis Collins Should Be Fired Immediately for Claiming Wuhan Lab Isn’t Controlled by CCP


On Thursday Dr. Francis Collins, the director of the National Institute of Health and Dr. Fauci’s boss, admitted to radio host Hugh Hewitt that the US collaborated with the Wuhan Virology Laboratory.


Dr. Collins then went on to defend the researchers and the virology lab in Wuhan, China.


The doctor sounded like the medical version of Neville Chamberlain.


On Friday Steve Bannon called on Dr. Francis Collins to be fired for his ignorance and defense of the Chinese Communist Party.


The War Room reported:


Stephen K. Bannon said Francis Collins should be fired immediately, after Collins was shilling for the Chinese Communist Party.


The NIH Director said in an interview with Hugh Hewitt the Wuhan Institute of Virology is being “demonized” and is not “pure and simple” an “instrument of the Chinese Communist Party.”


“That is a stone cold lie, he should be terminated immediately,” Bannon said on War Room, Friday. “It is 100 percent controlled by the People’s Liberation Army.”


Collins defended the lab, where his agency funded dangerous gain of function research to weaponize viruses, as having some of the best scientists “in the world.”


“There were great scientists in Berlin in 1939,” said Raheem Kassam. “That has no bearing on whether or not these people aren’t compromised and being used as tools of an evil regime.”


“For Dr. Collins to get up there and say you can’t call the lab the CCP, you’re right this is a fireable offense,” Kassam said.

Anonymous ID: 58fc9d June 4, 2021, 5:01 p.m. No.13831463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1479 >>1547

Ammo Supplier Cancels Order on Customer Who Said They Voted For Biden… Read the Epic Full Exchange


When you go to the website for Fenix Ammunition you are greeted by a single question on a full page: “Did you vote for Joe Biden?”


If you click on “yes,” you are redirected to Joe Biden’s website and his plan to attack the Second Amendment. If you click on no, you are redirected to the Fenix Ammunition store.


On Friday, the Michigan-based company posted a hilarious exchange with a customer. They posted a screenshot showing in the order notes that the customer had indicated they voted for Biden, but that they were ordering ammo anyways.