>we are at the moment in illusion created by our lust anger and greed
To save you from this constant misinterpretation, let me help you out here:
>big cool guys in floaty things make a colony/outpost here
>build up sprawling native community and system
>employ help of some golems they brought along and some monkeys
>they get bored/tired and fuck the monkeys and golems
>monkeys find out (from some benevolent soul) that they aren't gods, but that the monkeys are just gullible
>monkeys (and golems) say fuck this you're assholes quit making us dig this shit up then leave (mostly)
>monkeys (and golems) spread more and take what they learned
>assholes from the next rock over float over here
>assholes bring this shity ass rock with them, fire up the illusion machine and get everything flooded while rubbing their hands together in low orbit
>assholes enslave monkeys, hunt golems and remaining "gods"
>"gods" and some golems go in to hiding
>assholes teach monkeys and golems to be assholes too
>~10,000 years later, not much has changed, but now everyone's confused and atrophied
There you go.