both PB PB PB
>>13832449 PB PB PB
house of cards coming down, fauci now
the louder the better
pass info during information war
watch for signals to change mission
also do your thing that you have talent in, do ]both[
enjoy Life work hard play (safely) hard
good health, long Life; don't you want to see the END, kek
thank you Anons, work together
[C] = 17 dots = Q?
Anons where have you seen some [C]
who is [C], clinton?
ALL must be SHOWN or it won't work
what can Anons do, bypass media, counter
>Deliver like only you can.
>We put all the cards in your hands anons.
Anons if you are in a card game, do you want to win or lose?
PLAY like it; watch their every move and use that information against them to win the game together
the deadly game that take lives and tells lies w 6 news corps who cover for fake leaders, ask hunter
SHOW the World indisputable memes, how fast can you teach the World with fake social censoring and fake news hit pieces?
what are the counters, do the counters together, monitor results
ask cnn about their ratings, haha
do you have any Quick pointers?
kek, well played
i suppose i feel like i read all that and you know me, i be like 'why not ask'
'shake the tree'
'we already shook it'
'shake it again'
so we are in the fauci show house of cards falling?
hmm, what do Anons deliver?
Notables, information?
>deliver the information during information war
>can Anons do that?
>>13825339 PB PB PB
>>13825203 PB PB PB
house of cards about to fall?
fauci first card?
You have all you need to START.
You are missing the connections.
Continue to build the MAP.
MAP provides the KEY.
>which connections
we are missing connections between villains? or dif kind of connections?
no name isis huma mb hrc bho biden hunter ukraine china 10% doj fbi ohrs peter lisa jan5 rice yates comey bho biden re Flynn setup clinesmith Carter Page nancy feinstein schiff schumer sdny weiner laptop hunter laptop antifa soros blm gascon CA newsome kemp raffensperger covid elections open borders caravans voters no voter id mail in ballots covid fauci mask lies ventilators NY cuomo Elders ..
whoa, ty
>Now is the time to Write, Right Now.
>The silent war is ending (period)
>You need no Rite to Write what is Right.
>#1 protects your write. Right?
>Write Now. Right Now?
#shareTruth (bring sauce to avoid long debates)
thank you Anons
sing your sad songs in the filter kek
call senators, protect filibuster to guard against nancy's hr1 and other terrible bills
i woke up recently so i don't know all the way back
i float near the present
going further back are new chapters in terror and explanation [trotsky]
explanations w sauce brings new perspectives
if 1 side controls the narrative/news they have great advantage
what is the counter
teach as many as you can by joining w as many as you can
if no one is taught what do they know / not know?
if you haven't been teaching then you have been wasting your Time
i can't throw rocks cuz i woke up recently floating on the depth of History both fake and real controlled by whoever might ultimately be in charge but if Americans see tyrants what are Americans suppose to do?
can it be done peacefully?
information war; blockage and control of information
bypass, counter, together
if we can remove [obvious] fake leaders fake news, will all our msgs get to each other w less shills in the way
i believe after we remove fake news fake leaders you would be able to teach so more will understand and explain to their Children
if the argument is sound, who can argue
i try not to worry about wars long ago; i never think about ruling the World so i don't understand those that would
and if i ever ran across them i would avoid and move on in Life
there is no role for me to play in all these people hating these people hating these people
let me try to enjoy this Time when better times seem hard to imagine i use to think
now i be like 'if i quit, who will do it around here?'
dig meme PRAY; Truth sets Free
Real History SHOWs the playbook and proves others correct
w patience and Truth who knows what peaceful solutions we can find
what will ALL learn next?
who will help SHOW them?
>bypass, counter, together
[trotsky] spoopy dude of what i read hurriedly
saw some video about that time period that was hard to watch
that's what ds playbooks lead to? yikes
more than ever work together w Truth, be careful repeating histories
thank you Anons
shills still give themselves away subtly kek
try harder, beg moar
>now i be like 'if i quit, who will do it around here?'
'around here' meaning locally here in this area
Thanks to the following Members of Congress for co-sponsoring the bill
Thomas Massie, Andy Biggs, Mary Miller, Paul Gosar, Matt Gaetz, Buddy Carter, Greg Stuebe, Bob Good.
yeah i know sadly how you feel but have to start somewhere
sometimes i say #arrestfauci kek
main thing is get him out of position, less chess piece
in this game usually a piece is replaced
in this situation America is better off leaving NIH and WHO behind and fauci proves it
get the msg out if you agree, mayb strong Frens will help
if you don't agree thas cool too in America, market of ideas; the People might decide better w moar Truth
what can Anons deliver; how?
Communist Leon Trotsky helped ignite the Russian Revolution of 1917, and built the Red Army afterward. He was exiled and later assassinated by Soviet agents.
Who Was Leon Trotsky?
Leon Trotsky's revolutionary activity as a young man spurred his first of several ordered exiles to Siberia. He waged Russia's 1917 revolution alongside Vladimir Lenin. As commissar of war in the new Soviet government, he helped defeat forces opposed to Bolshevik control. As the Soviet government developed, he engaged in a power struggle against Joseph Stalin, which he lost, leading to his exile again and, eventually, his murder.
Early Life
Leon Trotsky was born Lev Davidovich Bronstein in Yanovka, Ukraine — in the Russian Empire — on November 7, 1879. His parents, David and Anna Bronstein, were prosperous Jewish farmers. When he was 8 years old, Trotksy went to school in Odessa, then moved in 1896 to Nikolayev, Ukraine, for his final year in school. While there, he became enthralled with Marxism.
In 1897, Trotsky helped found the South Russian Workers' Union. He was arrested within a year and spent two years in prison before being tried, convicted and sent to Siberia for a four-year sentence. While in prison, he met and married Alexandra Lvovna, a co- revolutionary who had also been sentenced to Siberia. While there, they had two daughters.
In 1902, after serving only two years of his sentence, Leon Trotsky escaped exile, abandoning his wife and daughters. On forged papers, he changed his name to Leon Trotsky, a moniker he would use the rest of his life. He managed to make his way to London, England, where he joined the Socialist Democratic Party and met Vladimir Lenin. In 1903, Trotsky married his second wife, Natalia Ivanovna. The couple had two sons. ..
Provisional Government and Soviet Leadership
During the early years of the Social Democratic Party, there were often disputes among the party's leadership over its form and strategy. Lenin argued for a small party of professional revolutionaries who would lead a large contingent of non-party supporters. Julius Martov advocated for a larger, more democratic organization of supporters. Trotsky tried to reconcile the two factions, resulting in numerous clashes with both groups' leaders. Many of the Social Democrats, including the ambitious Stalin, sided with Lenin. Trotsky's neutrality was seen as disloyal.
On January 22, 1905, unarmed demonstrators marching against the Russian Tsar were killed by the Imperial Guard. When word reached Leon Trotsky, he returned to Russia to support the uprisings. By the end of 1905, he had become a leader of the movement. In December, the rebellion was crushed, and Trotsky was arrested and once again sent to Siberia. At his trial, he put on a spirited defense and increased his popularity among the party's elite. In January 1907, Trotsky escaped prison and traveled to Europe, where he spent 10 years in exile in various cities, including Vienna, Zurich, Paris and New York, spending much of the time writing for Russian revolutionary journals, including Pravda, and advocating an anti-war policy. ..