Shabbat is the judaic term made use of in the prediction of Jerusalems destruction, it appears only selectively in texts, means 'to observe' , that is why tis said Jerusalem watches all of this happen, tim (cheezydick, is the abomination of desolation outside my walls, saying disgustin' things etd etd) it is he who has ruled this world, thats why he claimed this world and told me there wasn't enough room for the both of us, also him that declares me a wicked woman and demands a pot be bought forth to be sealed.
'tis an uncomfortable feeling to know you're being eaten, however, the writings about what happens to those who eat Jerusalem tell you t'will be more uncomfortable for them soon :)
the last pope of Malachy (malachi) is/was me and all i could do was feed people, some willingly, not that cheezydick though, there is nothing of worth to him, the southern cross is the literal ass end of the world, which is why he was born there, punisher 'Pun"isher, he isnt funny though, unless ytou're a psychotic drug and drunken idiot