balance is a myth.
reality is a divided image of a truly colossal singularity.
the only thing actually to exist.
truth is one sided…
just like God.
balance is a myth.
reality is a divided image of a truly colossal singularity.
the only thing actually to exist.
truth is one sided…
just like God.
is someone looking at you right now?
upset… at you being a blind dumbass?
ı do not have the time necessary to accomplish THAT large a task.
you try²
you fail³
not much longer an hero=[yü]
original thoughts have you none.
an nonsymbiotic parasite dug head and shoulders up the arse of the local body politic, qgrup.
<tell [me]… when to turn your device off, how do you fill the hole where your mind was?
this is relaxation.
just filing [my] fangs…
waiting for ye oldé, proverbial, dropped shœ.
the fact you are an insufferable тшат aside, of course.