whoa idk but interesting ideas
how much news is fake coming from cnn?
how much news is fake coming from fox?
if other Countries watch American news they will see 1 form or the other, which will determine what they know/feel?
IF this is true for America, then it can be true for other Countries also mayb
watching news coming out of India via cnn oxygen tanks nar etc seemed fake
watching news coming out of Japan via cnn made me wonder what is real news from Japan IF cnn is reporting fake news as usual kek
decouple from china
impeach biden
grape fruit tonic water zinc calcium vitD
b careful the ventilator
what is the death rate vs cases rate?
what is the survival rate of covid?
do masks help? [fauci email]
w facts and brave loud people sharing info mayb lock down over sooner
good luck Taiwan
even bots scorn to reply to aREDTXTCAPSLOCKshill.
God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
The Shills Beneficial Foundations has issued a statement on red text capslock shills: Red text shills are not shills as we understand them. They are not eligible for Foundational grants or remedial programming. Red text capslock shills are angry normies."
The Foundations statement drew immediate protest from CP shills, "If we start making rules about who is a shill and who is not - it's contrary to the whole purpose of shilling and everything we stand for." The CP shill said shills were thinking about organizing some kind of a protest. "It's hard. People want to get paid."
Pedovores, it's time.