I'll expand on my above post about the demonization & scapegoating of American genius & hero, General Nathan Bedford Forrest, by hate dealers and death cult propoganda.
My goal is to shine light on the real man, not the defiled garbage that's reguritated by evil imbelices who want to divide this country till it no longer exists.
The same is being done to Gen. Mike Flynn. The Deep State & the media will NEVER stop villifying him, even after death, like it's still done to NBF. They piled on at the first chance with the "coup" comment. Protect America's heroes & their legacies.
Read this obituary from the NYT. Nowhere in it does it say he created the Klan, mistreated slaves, or lyched Black citizens.The obituary doesn't even mention itWouldn't that be a major piece of information to include in an obituary, even from the back handed opinion of the author? It's a lie, that's why.
Gen. Forrest supported Reconstruction & wrote letters to President Johnson
President Johnson fully pardoned Gen. Forrest. Fort Pillow was a bloody battle like any other. Only sick opportunists and reporters used this as propoganda to turn it into a "horror". Johnson knew better.
The Union soldiers had the ultimate respect for Gen.Forrest. Pic related of an encounter on his property