“It’s far more advanced than our best stuff.”
The “best stuff” they’ve told you about.
They'll suggest the "UFOs" could be China, Russia, or aliens (sure, they could be), but they never talk about these anomalous craft possibly being apart of projects owned and operated by American corporate or military groups. (obviously)
They say the military has no idea what's going on, and they'll admit one little UFO studying program that ran from under the DIA from 2008-2012 with $22 million that (supposedly) checked out some grainy videos and wrote a few scientific reports (and we know the problems with mainstream "science"). What should we really expect from the "government UFO report" releasing soon? Yeah, I sure think the intelligence community will admit some of their most highly classified secrets to Congress and the public.
What I'd rather know is what's been truly researched and developed in those black projects, and where those $billions (trillions?) of "waste" from the Pentagon really went over the last 70 YEARS. $40,000 for a toilet seat? Oh, I don't think they're "wasting" anything. What's Lockheed for Northrop Grumman really up to? What's the NSA, Air Force, and Navy really know? How about those USAPs? Therein lies the real answers.
There is a good argument to keep some stuff secret, "National Security" and all that, but the "National Security" line has been used as an excuse to keep paradigm shifting technology suppressed in the name of special interests as well, all in the name of control.
I think we could be traveling amongst the stars by now if the likes of Nikola Tesla, Viktor Schauburger, Professor John Searle, T. Townsend Brown, and more weren't ignored or silenced. Is that possible in our lifetimes? What Truths can we handle? Helluva learning curve ahead for us.