she is a vile short little cunt.
she is a vile short little cunt.
vile bitch. Going to enjoy watching her swing and see her tiny little legs kick and flail about.
she was not the only governor to cover for epstein in new mexico and with her ties to branson, she is a ds witch if there ever was one.
i have not gone fishing in years but i see your posts and get a little jealous that you have such beauty around you and serenity to do that. Have fun.
do you just fry them up then? or do you freeze them for later?
saved and will look into getting some it looks really good. THanks for the visuals.
s'ok we all need to unload the burden we have been dealt these last few years, anger and pain are normal in these circumstances. It sucks, no way around it but we will hold strong because of the love we do have for the people of this world despite the evil ones who are out to destroy it.