TY Anon Baker
kek I'd end up starving
>Have you not been following?
Yeah, but still waiting for someone to figure it out since I sure haven't been able to.
POTUS '24 is his if he wants it imo.
kek Bubbles Pepe on the lookout for fucky shit winds
It's a QR Saturdays thing.
For some reason all the nutcases crawl out from under their rocks then.
Old slides, goofy slides, you name itโฆ all come out on Saturday.
Aha - I knew it!
Concur - Tulsi & Kristi are classic butterfaces.
kek well played
But, seriously, you know that'll be in a future cap some B-Fag will post up.
> that was my one (you) from Q.
At least you got one, Anon.
Even Freddy haz moar yous than me.
>so much as an idiot thang.
Of course.
I just like getting a rise out of the potential timestamped TOGTFO crowd here.
We're reaching the I ain't Bakering you Bakerer nuh-uh u Bakerer stage of the bread.
Yes, a certain ousted from power group of people have forever tarnished that for guuuuuuuuuud around here.
I cringe every time I see it now.
What's higher ranking?:
Jolly Ranchers better not go full poz!
>biggest fight with a client over (fill in the blank)
I'm reluctantly with Fake Ferddy on this one, Anon.