>this did make sense, anon.
Ty, Anon.
>i was thinking earlier, that the covid is related to Q's drop about the truth putting 99% of people in hospital.
Yes, agree.
The truth is that they planned a much more harmful virus & that would have made nearly all people so sick that they would have ended up in the hospital (or worse).
Q said also "The end won't be for everyone."
I believe that Q knew that still many people would die (they still do) and therefore not all people will live to see the end of this war.
But now we can connect all the evil organisations, Dems, Davos, WHO, Gates, MSM and can prove what they did.
The people saw it ww with their own eyes.
They lived through this and each person suffered in his own way from this crime.
Nobody would've believed this, if he were only told.
This crime needed to play out for all to see.
Now the takedown of the evil cabal can begin (it has begun already, as Anons know).
Nuremberg trials need to take place and hopefully will take place.
Humanity has to understand, how the playbook of the evil cabal works, so they can see it the next time something like this will be attempted again.