>>13835678 lB
<<Everything properly in the bible is true, including this antichrist one world kingdom (that's already set up), and a one world religion.
Yes because is everyone just worshiped the One Infinite Creator of Light and Love under different names. Would you still think that is The Anti-Christ? Or if Everyone just turned to Jesus and His Father ( The One Creator ) as the One true religion would he fit your definition of Anti-Christ? There is already the One path up and one Path down when you choose that's it, one religion. You're a fool is you think the Bible is 100% Properly True because it was put together by Men with an Agenda and it is in the realm of possibility they put a couple Lies in there to trick EVERYONE who blindly believes. You are still asleep and preventing other people from waking up A-Hole. You use Straw Man logic and only attack small points hat are made and you ignore the hard truths you don't want to face. Cognitive Dissonance much?