Anonymous ID: 152f3b June 5, 2021, 1:09 p.m. No.13836795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6839

From MJ12:


RED WAVE = [2020 Election Fraud]

House = MAGA

Senate = MAGA

WhiteHouse = MAGA

The TRUE results of the 2020 Election.


Anonymous ID: 152f3b June 5, 2021, 1:32 p.m. No.13836931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6950



They (|MJ12) say this 'bout that document:


Regarding the "Majestic 12 - Majestic Messages of Disclosure - Version 2" PDF (and multiple variants thereof before) aside from missing memes videos and images documenting on the ground operations MJ12 was involved in throughout planet Earth during the course of the operation. Many details to date are still classified. The documents circulating around also contain many cases of errors, mischaracterizations, and "deceptive editing" of AMAs that arrive to different conclusions on "Majestic Messages of Disclosure". Important not to omit this key factor. Almost every single page is unreliable. Missing memes and graphics doesn't disqualify its utility, (however flawed telephone was - the exercise of learning how to archive offline once again proved to be invaluable) however now that MJ12 has had a chance to fully audit the circulating documents claiming to be authored by MJ12 and/or any of the organizations typists are being sold and redistributed distributed on multiple unaffiliated accounts that MJ12 is now openly disavowing since it only adds confusion to new readers. The operators of those other accounts, may, to their own detriment ignorance and naïveté, be openly enabling ALICE and Clowns [in] America to modify the Majestic Messages of Disclosures provided. The AMAs that followed MMoD extended threads were an integral part of what was communicated. Likes, retweets, when the typists chuckled aloud, replies, intentional non-replies, relevant direct messages, and other parts of future MMoD that were still in the pending completion state. This is of vital importance that when referencing MJ12 that you reference content produced by MJ12, not unknown anonymous sources. The intended audience of the Majestic Messages of Disclosure were the individuals who experienced them at the time. MJ12 was quantumly connecting to reader and participant to the MMoD AMAs that followed and some individuals developed interpersonally in significant ways and overcoming past trauma that held them back. This was intentional. Truth without guidance and wisdom is unwelcome. Disclosure needed the conscious connection every participant shared during the AMAs. Those individuals were chosen to participate for a reason and encouraged for a reason. Some to expose and enable the good within, some to expose and expunge the evil within. Both working toward uniting the IS-BE. The power of 36 and 9 is very real.

