A proof maybe. Throw some screenies of that 12-hr twat window and you've got yourself a deal!
Nice. My turn
Cloning and CRISPR with 5g were supposed to be the results of this attack.
Swab tests were cataloged and used to make clones of each citizen that took part. These clones are held until the accelerated growth gets around the current age of the swabbed person. Then they are placed in stasis at FEMA camps and stockrooms of Walmart.
Once the Killswitch is flipped, all elec but 5g goes offline. The next five minutes are filled with the death of anyone that has a majority of their cells containing the spike protein. They will be ushered out to areas and vaporized en mass, then replaced with the clones. They will still look the same, but will be even more malleable than they were before choosing to drink the kool-aid of an antagonistic government.
Just another theory in the seas of possibilities
>POTUS always late
Anon always thinks the timing of scheduled and actual start are important deltas used in decodes too rich to break
It seems that her heart does go on.
Prophecy fulFILLed