Jones was a major asset in electing Trump, if u like Trump…u shoud respect Jones….pro-america, anti-globalism, anti-corruption, anti-hillary, that's Jones… that's Trump. He is still a huuuuge Trump supporter, i listen to him everyday:) He reaches around 6 million americans…
i admit when he said he spoke to Q, that foked me up… but maybe he thinks he did, people might try to manipulate him etc, so im keeping an open mind, and see what happens next.
if thats Q… that aint gona fly…. Jones does act sometimes, use theatrics to pass messages/news….so what……. and what does that has to do with proving Q…..
if it's Q that posted that, THAT AINT GOOD PEOPLE, WAKE UP! alex jones has his kids….it's part of his thing to use theatrics, sarcasm, making fun of, to deliver his messages or news…. is that the answer of Q to prove himself??????????????
it it is…. THAT AINT GOOD. BEWARE OF WHO U FOLLOW….. just sayin.
thats from may 11 dude…