Anonymous ID: 81564e May 12, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.1384520   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons. Trust Q and POTUS. Yes for the time being, you have to sift through the pile of information for yourself, sort the real from fake, identify the sincere from self-serving, and put this big puzzle together as best we all can. Q and POTUS cannot tell us everything directly - lest laws be violated. Of course the Hydra has many heads and each head will try and protect the other, but one by one the heads are falling severed and dead to the ground. We have brave Knights dedicated in this fight, and they do not retreat, they do not cower, they do not give in, and they all have to be honored and thanked. They are Brave Warriors who thrust and slash at The Beast, and eventually The Beast will die. They have trained well, prepared well, and they know THE PLAN. We have to be thankful that Q and POTUS are working hard to fix this whole situation and inform us along the way, and we have to be patient and know many things revealed are in fact things already done, other things are in progress, and other things are yet to come, but the slow, methodical release of information is necessary and prudent. Our job is to make sure POTUS and the US Military stay in control, so that means we cannot just sit and be spectators. We too have to mobilize people and help broaden the Great Awakening. We have responsibilities to support Q, POTUS and the US Military. Q and POTUS also cannot just dump all the information at once. There is too much to absorb, and too much at stake, to just dump the pile of real-time facts all over the highway for the wind to scatter. The facts do not even fit on one wall or even in one room - there is so much. Think of the implications of what is being revealed. Foundations of perception will be undone. It is like diffusing an atom bomb, and that has to be done carefully in a step by step process, not haphazardly, lest the whole thing blow. Masses of everyday people in the USA and all over the world worship these monsters and have been living in a total fantasy, a massive lie and deception of global proportions. Hundreds of millions have died this past century alone under this “big lie”, and simply because of this vast global criminal cabal. Can these monsters, traitors, and criminals against humanity be arrested or taken out without massive preparation and planning to account for reactions and consequences? Whole social movements are based on the “big lie”. World Wars and Proxy Wars were based on the “big lie”. Genocide is integral to their plan. Was not the global criminal cabal prepared to inflict massive harm of unimaginable scale on We the Innocent People? Furthermore, what would happen to decent society and the Rule of Law if all the information were irresponsibly dumped into everyone’s laps? Would any government be able to contain the situation? Would people ignore the facts, call it a conspiracy, or panic? Anons can handle these facts, but what of the everyday person who is hypnotized by Cable TV Series and addicted to meaningless self-promotion on Social Media? Would the “big picture” even be believable as a whole? Would it just be regarded too big to believe? Is not that the cabal’s modus operandi? “If the lie is big enough everyone will believe it?” What about the average person who contently lives in a blue pill world? What about the rabid opportunists who would use the information dump as pretext to riot and loot? Were people rioting in US cities these past decades rioting for “true justice” or were they smashing store windows for free stuff and smashing heads just to get that feeling of power? What would gangs and criminals do if government institutions in their minds had no more legitimacy? Would people generally be kind to their neighbors, actually help one another, or would many groups smash everything they could get their hands on? Would the restoration of order require a bloodbath, or is it better to slash the Hydra one head at a time until there are no heads left, and show the People one severed Hydra head at a time? Is it not important to keep the masses calm and institutions of civil society intact? Is not POTUS and the US Military taking every prudent measure to protect innocent lives?

Anonymous ID: 81564e May 12, 2018, 9:38 a.m. No.1384605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4618 >>4625

Do you really think every day police forces and law enforcement could tackle this without the full involvement, dedication, leadership, and force of the US Military under POTUS? How long does a typical USA investigation take just to take down a criminal organization of local city drug dealers, for example, 1, 2 or 3 years? Now multiply that task to the hundredth power. What are the limitations of even our best Law Enforcement? City? County? State? Federal? How far can each of them reach even if with proper leadership? Why do we have “jurisdiction”? What does “jurisdiction” mean, and is it important? Is there are reason why NYPD cannot just go and arrest in Phoenix? Clearly, only the US Military and POTUS can lead this fight. Global intelligence and evidence has to be gathered and verified, networks identified, witnesses isolated and protected, testimony obtained, and then the complete case of evidence has to be presented before a Grand Jury or Military Article 32 Investigation, then a court, military or civilian, in a highly organized fashion – or the case falls apart. Should we be breaking laws just to enforce the laws? Are not we still A Nation of Laws Not of Men? Agencies have to be coordinated, and that is after they are purged. Critical Institutions no matter how tainted must be purged, rebuilt and must continue to stand. Not to take all required and prudent steps means perpetrators could be handed reduced sentences or even walk, or if steps are skipped we destroy our own system that made this Great Awakening and Second American Revolution possible. Why are their not riots in the streets today, why is there not armed civil conflict in our city streets? It is because of the institutions our Founding Father’s created and because of THE PLAN. Be patient. Could a John Wayne attitude be acceptable with virtually have the nation completely asleep and hypnotized? How best should those be Awakened who are in the Trance? Abruptly or gently? What about peeling layers of the onion? How do investigators get to the innermost layers which are hidden from outer layers? Is it not better to give them enough rope to hang themselves - so in the critical cases they expose themselves and so there is no question of guilt? Others can simply be snatched and grabbed. These are, after all, secret societies and members have to be flushed out and exposed, then apprehended, then those apprehended have to be used to flush out and apprehend more. Small fish to get big fish, and big fish to get small fish. Who else has the capability to handle this task other than POTUS and the US Military? Remember that in virtually every country, including ours, the leadership of police and law enforcement are POLITICAL APPOINTMENTS with restrictive jurisdictions and limitations on authority that are boundaries not easily crossed or often shared. This global criminal cabal knows that and used these divisions to their advantage, but these divisions do not apply to the US Military. The global criminal cabal specifically infiltrated the leadership levels of Law Enforcement, but rank and file Agents and Officers helped hold our Liberties together until this day could come. We must be grateful to them also – the nameless Patriots in US Departments and Agencies. That is why they fought a Silent and Lonely War. If they spoke up then their ability to protect would be lost – until now. Rest assured that good men and women, rank and file in the US Government, have been holding it all together for many, many years, perhaps decades, sacrificing until this time could come. Also remember that at best the police or law enforcement can only reach so far, pricking at the cabal only here and there. Do you think INTERPOL actually has any teeth? INTERPOL is now run by Communist Chinese Government! Look even how NYPD was hampered and stalled by one perverse and abusive NY Attorney General who protected this cabal’s “generals” for years. Then think of the law enforcement of other nations where law enforcement structures are weak at best, where Rule of Law often does not exist, and where police forces can be easily corrupted. Many nations do not have “A Thin Blue Line”. In many other countries the “police” are not the good guys and it is they, “la policia” who the People actually fear. The global criminal cabal uses every weakness to their advantage and thus were more powerful than any one police or law enforcement institution, but they are NOTHING compared to the Commander In Chief and the US Military.