Anonymous ID: a2c94e May 12, 2018, 8:12 a.m. No.1383795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3801

Just reviewing the new FBI emails released today by Judicial Watch and the tarmac meeting between Lynch/Clinton…the FBI hunted down the whistleblower who told the Observer his story of what happened that day. FBI emails prove it. That's Comey's MO.


EXCLUSIVE: Security Source Details Bill Clinton Maneuver to Meet Loretta Lynch - Former president delayed Phoenix takeoff to snare '20-25 minute encounter' with Attorney General


According to this source, whose credentials were checked and confirmed by the Observer with sources inside both the FBI and the United States Secret Service, the attorney general was caught completely off guard by the meeting and the source dismisses suggestions that have been raised alleging that she waited there to see Bill Clinton or accommodated his request to see him. In fact, it seems from this source that it was Bill Clinton who was maneuvering for face time with the attorney general, because his plane had been scheduled to leave before hers arrived.


“Fair is fair. I’m a conservative-leaning [person] [gender-identifying word redacted]. I don’t support anything this administration does. I don’t know much about the attorney general’s past, except she has a good reputation. But I really don’t like this executive’s office, so that said, politically, that’s where I’m at. But I just happened to be in a position to know firsthand what went down that day.”–-Lynch-Tarmac-Records-1.pdf?D=1

Anonymous ID: a2c94e May 12, 2018, 8:51 a.m. No.1384042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4309

What really did happen to the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea in 2014?


One RU jet disabled one of the most advanced warships on earth


It may look like a missile but as you notice it has no fins and it can't detach from the aircraft unless on the ground. It is an electronic warfare device - it is just streamlined to have little aerodynamic effect. It can apparently completely neutralize enemy radar and is one of the most advanced pieces of hardware dedicated for electronic ware.


So the jet or the Su-24 flew over the USS Donald Cook and as it flew over it switched on this device: screens, communications, radar and any other electrical equipment was instantly turned off, being described as like"turning off a tv with the remote" in CNN. The USS Donald Cook was virtually blind for a few minutes whilst the jet simulated attacks on the warship.

Anonymous ID: a2c94e May 12, 2018, 8:56 a.m. No.1384088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4199


According to The Austin American-Statesman, attorney Randall Wilhite said in a pretrial hearing that Jones' angry rants against the government should not be used against him in the case.


Wilhite likened the idea to focusing on Jack Nicholson's performance as The Joker in "Batman" to make a point about the star actor's character.


"He’s playing a character. He is a performance artist," Wilhite said about Jones, who is battling his ex-wife, Kelly Jones, over the custody of their three children.