Marines convoy 5500 miles. (5:5)
D-Day 6/6
Normandy 77 years ago, in 1944.
Hmm…looks like a pattern.
I'm only reporting my own experience with friends and family. I was sure surprised at who just went along, but none seem to have been unduly pressured…just naive/stupid, imo. The people I'm most upset about (close family) were warned by me and did it anyway. Of those close to me that took it, I don't think Trump's opinion mattered. Just my experience.
Yes, it is sick, evil genius. You only get the 40,000 foot view with a lot of work. I've been researching vaccines seriously since the 2016 rollout of the movie "Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe". Almost all the tricks, fraud an deception with this massive vaccine campaign seem to have been done before with even less awareness. This is why social media is/was such a powerful tool in the GA. People can get on line and discover their experiences are not unique. I think the dissemination of the link between vaccines and autism via social media was the biggest major miscalculation by the DS. They thought we'd mostly stick with puppies and kitties (and illicit stuff). Probably the DS was surprised as "heck" when moms started telling stories and found out there were hundreds, thousands, maybe millions of stories like theirs.
This is from October 2016:
Watching right now.
Reiner Fuellmich
He just said that there is no immunity from liability if there is denial of informed consent and intent to harm (if I'm hearing correctly).
I think one of the things they are covering up are the deaths and injuries to children. Pfizer has been injecting 12-15 year olds.
This seems a good resource. A wake-up call to the concerns around the massive death count after "COVID" vaccines.
Fraud vitiates everything. In determining liability, the vaccine makers may not have civil liability but I don't think crimes are okay.