Here is the cover of my information packet packet:
Evidence from Public Record - Please Read
Whistleblower Witness Affidavit Contained Within
Statements Concerning Felony Racketeering Activity by US Courts and Law Enforcement
Relevant Questions to Consider:
Why did the GOP require President Trump to accept Mike Pence as running mate?
Is Joe Biden more popular than Obama? Visibly so? He got more votes than Obama?
Why didn't any courts allow evidence of election fraud to be presented?
Why did courts and politicians encourage "peaceful" protests during the 2020 election?
Why did courts and politicians condemn the "insurrection" on January 6th?
Why was there a lockdown for COVID19 (SARS-CoV2), but not for any previous coronavirus pandemic?
Why did Mike Pence certify the 2020 election?
What is the real reason for mail-in elections?
What persons flew on Jeffrey Epstein's personal jet to pedophile island?
Why didn't ABC news executives allow Amy Robach to air the Jeffrey Epstein story?
What was on Hunter Biden's laptop? All consenting adults? Hunter's family involved?
Why won't the media cover the child sex-scandal evidenced therein?
Were there any documents, besides child pornography, on Hunter's laptop?
Do any of these documents reference Hunter's business dealings with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)? Dealings with others?
Has the CCP expressed interest in exploiting American natural resources? Others?
Resources within Oregon? Within the "wildlife" reserves?
What US persons benefit most from foreign exploitation of these resources?
Who stands in the way of these resources being exploited by hostile foreign powers?
What evidence exonerated the Bundy family? Who were the real perpetrators?
What was the motive for the murder of LaVoy Finicum? Other crimes? Other victims?
Is ORS 166.735 applicable?
Does ORS 166.715 (2) provide clarification?
What about 18 USC 95, 241, 242, 2381, et al.?
Does sovereign immunity provide legal protection for any of these crimes? Should it?
Bonus Questions for Grant County:
What is the profile of an individual participating in the activities described herein?
What is the modus operandi of these cabal members?
Could other elections be compromised?
Did Glenn Palmer lose the election for Sheriff in Grant County?
Who replaced Sheriff Palmer? Previously held positions? Access to children?
What is the profile of an individual participating in the activities described herein?