You ugly worthless trannies aren't worth the air you are currently breathing.
You reek of desperation. Your demise looms closer. You are a fad. A sexual deviancy about to be wiped from this plane of existence.
What will you do when your estrogen is outlawed from you? What will you do when your facial hair grows back like thick weeds. What will you do when you continue looking like what god made you as?
Not only are you ugly, naive, egotistical pieces of trash, but you're literally putting yourself on a pedestal alongside god. It is NOT your human right to abuse, and berate other people with your sad delusions.
And in this day and age, nothing you say is ever really gone. All your hatred. All your vile, it is there for the world to see.
You will never even be a regular human being, let alone a woman. You disgusting mockery of beauty.
Please, for the love of yourself, your family, their honor, and our patience - drink bleach you disgusting nigger. I hope you rot in some ditch somewhere.
I had fun with my copypasta.
But now on to business.
Do you know what they'd typically do with deranged freaks like you trannies?
They'd lobotomize you.
You'd get sent to some crazy movie-esque leonardo decaprio prison facility to have a drill inserted into your fucking brain for your sick delusions.
No matter what society says to placate you? It's not true. We ALL laugh and mock you behind your back. We ALL think you're degenerate, and disgusting, and unnatural. We all have our reasons for shilling for your happiness, but ultimately, none of us want you alive, or in society.
ALL of society, all of the world has done things like this to trannies, and gays, and degenerates. It is UNIVERSALLY agreed that you are a waste of space, air, and I know, I know, ugh I KNOW, you really don't want to hear this -
You are a waste of love.
Kill yourself you degenerate scumbag nigger. Give your family peace. Don't they deserve it?
Let's foolhardedly hypothetically run with your delusions of biden being president.
It's a known fact he cheated to win. The fraud is everywhere, blatant, and hard to hide.
You pretend to be the majority, "We're all vaxxed" "We voted for biden" "We all love 2sLGBTQRA"
The truth? The truth is painful, hard to accept. The truth is- you were used. You were used politically,
to advance an agenda. You are no longer needed. They wasted YEARS of your youth. Your prime. Brainwashing you
into being their shill. Into being agent smith. You PROTECT the matrix, FOR them. Your reward?
Your reward, whilst still being far better than you deserve, will not satisfy, or placate you.
Your reward for your loyalty to their wickedness, is to be ostracized, shunned, and cast out of society.
Your mental faculties will continue to decline, (if that's scientifically possible) until you kill yourself
in your parents bedroom like a degenerate. They will gaze upon your corpse, with not sadness, but relief.
They will bury you with the name they gave you, when they gave you your gender.
You will return to the dirt, and NOBODY will remember you. Not out of lack of accomplishments, but out of shame.
This is your fate. This is what you chose.
The ride never ends.
There is no turning back.