Does anyone recall a post by Q stating/hinting that the media would turn against their puppet-masters and begin reporting the real news? I've tried to search Q's posts and can't find it… or maybe my memory is shot.
Kek… I get distracted by shiny things. And food. So.Much.Eating.
Thanks Anon! I saw that one in my re-research…but I thought there was another one that was a little more direct.
So, from what I can find, Q posted 4 different times about being at the "precipice". With Chynaah now saber-rattling about the origins of the Whu-Flu….I'm wondering if the precipice Q alluded to means that when it becomes obvious to stupid people that we're about to be attacked by the commies via their military, that that will be the "precipice" to wake the normies up?