I don't get the "move on" bit. Read the Q:
> Time to move on.
> Big week ahead!
> http://insider.foxnews.com/2017/04/17/alex-jones-performance-artist-attorney-says-texas-child-custody-case
So Q goes:
reply to "muh corsi muh corsi"
time to move on
big week ahead!
You can't even read that bottom to top because of reply link #1. If you read the Q it basically says "here's link about Corsi, time to move on, big week ahead, alex jones story!"
Q did NOT say drop AJ.
sns, but it's right there in b&w. Are we to think Q made another mistake? or do we read the damned article?
reread crumbs maybe? Went from Corsi to "move on" to AJ story.
>Read the fucken AJ story.