>>13847777 chekt
Vancouver is Canada's Hollywood.
21 Jump Street storyline.
>No acknowledgment of [D] Day by Biden on Twitter
Nope, not from Mr. "and may God protect our troops".
This administration's contempt for our military is palpable.
>DAN THE MAN just followed this account on Twitter.
Still a twitterfag, Dan?
If they can de-platform Trump, you can be certain they will de-platform you.
Stop endorsing their product.
>>13847888 checkum, look to Twitter:
>Stop talking and listen.
You convinced me. Do Not boycott Twitter. See how easy that was?
That's a nice Qdrop but you used it against the message re: censorship instead of embellishing it, moran Section 230 is not your friend.
>>13847904 agree, but he needs a reliable platform
>doesn’t retreat, he just fires away on the battlefield in a masterful way…
until his account is suspended, which is the point anon was trying to make.
Trusting Twitter is the wisest thing anyone can do now in the 21st Century. /s