Anonymous ID: 7772e2 June 7, 2021, 6:23 a.m. No.13848868   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Human behavior gets no moar simplified than this. If someone accuses me of fuckery and I was not only innocent but know for an absolute fact that what I did, what I participated in involved NO FUCKERY, I would be adamant about opening it all up and proving beyond any shadow of a doubt that 1. there was no fuckery and 2. I was not only 100% right but they were dead fucking wrong.


The actions of the democrat party nationwide in any of these election fraud audits prove in fact, they did what we all know they did. They stole the 2020 election. And they know, we know. Their never ending attempts to thwart all of the audits flies in the face of good, old fashion common sense and intuition. They want everyone to believe there is nothing to see here and it's just the republican party, once again, forcing moar "voter supression" of minorities and Jim Crow 2.0. This is how stupid and inane they think people are. "You can fool some of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time" is a truism that is eternal.


One would think that if these treasonous motherfuckers were so confident that this lifelong imbecile and liar Joe Biden won this election with the most votes in American history eclipsing even that of "The One", that they would be joyous and want the entire world to see the "Absolute Proof" that indeed, the American people dismissed all the incredible things President Trump did on the economy, energy independence, Military strengthening, Space Force and instead opted to take a sharpe left turn towards communism and totalitarian control of the country. Wouldn't you want to prove it all? Sure you would. Again, this is simple, human nature. But not these people. They live in an altered universe of reality and at some point, they are going to be dealt with.