But, it was baked by the biggest Tard Baker around these days.
Wut do?
But, it was baked by the biggest Tard Baker around these days.
Wut do?
The eventual inevitability of all E-Bakes all the time where a Breadmaker just keeps the breads up and Anons fight over who will take the Notables that nobody reads any more continues unabated.
>All-U-Can-Eat bread please
Don't over load your computer!
Once it gets past 650 muh machine starts saying ayo hol up at every refresh.
Sounds good on paper but would be a disaster in real time.
The cyclical bread (minus the archive portion) style was tried on the old META breads.
FJ said it's hosed on 8kun and doesn't work as well as it did on 8ch.
And that's w/o even considering an archive component which isn't even in place iirc.
Yes, but Jim Watkins controls the invention levers here.
And therein lies the rub.
FJ & 8-bit can't even get him to improve the admin tools like they've requested.
Jim has essentially said what you see now is what you get - he's not dropping another dime on programming costs here.
>CNN saying we had 253 mass shootings THIS YEAR?
If you consider every Chicago gangland shooting of >1 at a time then yes that's true I guess.
MSM fuckery always uses technicalities like that.
So would I - but I only know what you know which is the cap that was posted just now.
Confusing af ain't it?
Keep in mind Fungus is the OG Tranny of QR.
Some Anons mistake Fungus for Tubakks (Tranime).
The only name worse than Patchfag which is the same shill.
That said, I guess credit must be given for [B]eing the only shill to ever get a post on Q's board.
I doubt it but can't say no with certainty.
>looks like anime pretending to be gerbil pretending to be that other guy
That's life on QR2021 in a nutshell right there.
Notable for being awful news.
>not until December
>Trump doing that instead of being the reinstated POTUS at that point
I'm still smdh at the Baker that says it's an E-Bake then goes on to collect Notes like a regular Baker would do.
kek Q drops are easier to decode than e posts
It's QR's version of virtue signalling and it's not going away anytime soon.
kek - and as QRB likes to remind us so is pic related