Anonymous ID: bc1b6f June 7, 2021, 6:55 a.m. No.13849023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9112


? not sure why you tagged me.

are you the overuser of the S-Gibber phraseology?

The S-Gibber-accuser shill.


usually too ,they do a turret's syndrome quality constant insult thing: where they poetically put down everyone they talk about in a poetic sing song.


'youre nothing but a . . . . sing song singing totting Buncake'

but the insult they use is a horid put down.


they have no originality and seem to be entranced with hateful and vindictive urges to spout out putdowns

Anonymous ID: bc1b6f June 7, 2021, 6:57 a.m. No.13849029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9122


That is why people become Christians. They know that they aren't good, so they go to the source of goodness.

what did Jesus say " why do you call me good, only God the Father is good"?

I paraphrase.

Anonymous ID: bc1b6f June 7, 2021, 7:07 a.m. No.13849072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9085 >>9094 >>9156 >>9167


the Fed was supposed to be about value and equity. But the ability to control what was called 'valuble' was given to a dishonest nest of creeps.

were they always a dishonest nest of creeps?

well that's how they seem.

it was a 'bit' to keep the wolves at bay.

but they are not honorable in how they behave, and do not believe in honoring the results of elections unless thy are pandering to a demographic.


all in all it's far more honest than a system that has nothing but encryption.

I mean at least the 'securities' that the Fed uses as colateral (for the monetization of assets) is often not just useless and throw away.


when the fed could go around and buy debt from all over the world and 'monetize' it, that is when it all went fowl.


the system of graft and kickback, and constant looting and enslved through municipal control, kicked into high gear.


the idea that money is more than gold is a clear cause. But to buy the debt of a country or town, where the money is all looted off and some kicked back, through monetization, and then the nation or city is debt-slaved to the Fed?


that is a kind of enslaving. The fed did it willingly and knowingly.

they self deal and they are immoral.

Anonymous ID: bc1b6f June 7, 2021, 7:11 a.m. No.13849096   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I beleive that those who are in that corrupt family are clueless about how what they do is really looting.

they are handed these lives because of their genetic makeup. They are told that they are righteous.


my understanding of how they loot and bring low nations is just partial, and self taught.

they do it in leauge with the Swiss and European banks and that one the final credit one that are the real top of the pyramid. they have an office in Mexico City and that is the real capital of North America (in their eyes)

all of this is my theory, and I have no problem if I get it wrong.

PS: how does bitcoin choose to monetize assets?

Anonymous ID: bc1b6f June 7, 2021, 7:17 a.m. No.13849136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9145


wrong: they hold equities and bonds.

they monetize debt.

it is backed by the debt payers.

it is backed by the equity (municipal bonds, etc).

the 'monetezation of assets' is the part that hardly anyone is ever taught.

and it makes a lot of sense.


but that, coupled with various corrupt practices of governments, and dictatorships, and constantly overthrowing governments, allows for advanced methods of looting.

for example see how Venezuela, a socialist dictatorship, pretended to 'collectivize' their mining.

but . . .due to the bonds that were issued they had to cede the ownership of those assets to very very wealthy international interests.


and now the mines are in private hands (in 'partnership').


it's a long term plan to loot a place, with the pretense of sharing.

and the final bank of credit is the final hammer that drives in the nails of that coffin.


they swap the sets of rules as they go through the various phases of bankruptcy for those socialist nations in the cycle of being looted by internationalists and 'big money' supra-nationalists.

Anonymous ID: bc1b6f June 7, 2021, 7:28 a.m. No.13849214   🗄️.is 🔗kun


they enslave municipalities and countries through bond issues. And they have a local government that will take your stuff if you don't pay the taxes.

the real problem is it becomes a machine for graft.

they do not oversee the situation or make ammends for the looting. The build it right into the equation.

after the place is bankrupt, have a nice trip to their capital bank and make another deal.


If assests are sold at pennies to the dollar the buyers of those assets are treated just like all the rest of the holders.

and they then blackmail with that pennies on the dollar equity for free money that basically enslaves the people of the original municipality.

even if the fed wanted this not to be like that, it's out of their hands by then. They aren't the final arbiters nor do they have any way to contain the internationalist looters.


but that other bank, the 'final one' they seem to have a lot of power and it's so hidden and secret that they don't even want it to be well known.

Anonymous ID: bc1b6f June 7, 2021, 7:35 a.m. No.13849277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9283



of course I know that.

Some of those 12 families must have had some moral people in them, right?

they didnt set it up to be a way to constantly loot municipalities, and drive countries into bankruptcy so that internatinalists can have fire-sale pricing on resources and infrastructure?

they thought it was fine: we take someothing of value. We issue cash for it's value.


but it lets them get money for nothing.

It's exceptionally unfair.


but they 'follow the rules' . . .they will argue

the rules are unfair.

but they have moral principles, they give to charity

the charities are all self serving.


they pay their profits to the government, they enrich the treasury (and they kind-of do)

but they are allowed to live highborn lives that pout them in the tower.

meanwhuile they send their mule-kids out to spread insurrection (that's what has happened lately).

for example in the shadow of the big tower they had the campsight for the 'occupy' group.

it was one big party.

and moon-baby making factory.


sad but true.

Anonymous ID: bc1b6f June 7, 2021, 7:40 a.m. No.13849309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9316


did you read what I wrote?

you need a word to use so you don't have to think anymore.

you use 'evil' and take awy it's meaning.

some of them think they are righteous.

they believe in their own superiority.

they think that their kind built the world, and that it's all beause of them, that ordinary people could never do anything remarkible without their assistence.


but you want just a four letter word to describe them and ignore that you, too, sometimes make the same kinds of mistakes.

what a cop out.

I try to describe what I percieve, admit I have a limited view, and ask that you understand that they are not all thinking that they are doing bad.

you just put out a heavy-and-hard word, all caps. and I'm supposed to shut up.


no its not evil to want to have sound money and a systeem of sane monetization.

evil people use the system?

no people use the system and the result is evil.

people themselves are not evil. they might participate in it, but they can be redeemed.

not in the same way that a federal reserve note can be redeemed.

the system has not checks and ballances and that is why it is broken.

your need for shortcut words is really a lot like the short cut word you want to use.

Anonymous ID: bc1b6f June 7, 2021, 7:43 a.m. No.13849329   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you're looking for short cuts and trying to get others to take drastic positions.

obviously you are an insider the agency wipe


is your tongue made of chemwipes?

Anonymous ID: bc1b6f June 7, 2021, 7:52 a.m. No.13849413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9515


supposedly the Fed is backed by high quality assets that have a high chance of being paid back or retaining their value.

the monetization of assets allows for 'new money'.

the rules seemed to make sense to people once . . .


but the system is crufty. the rules of international finance allow for hard-looting of local economies and peoples.

Communism allows for full-scale theft of everything.


expect for these super bankers, they seem out of the fray.


and now they have been infiltrated by communists/marxists too. (or were they the ones, their ancestors, who invented Marxism).


to say that they are 'evil' or 'bad' just ignores the situation. It leaves it to the fture to solve.

and instead of discussing the real issues, the control-freak-show people come and try to farm hateful outrage here.

we must use their short-story view. Only four letters are needed to describe it. E, V , L and I


but guess what: that's a point of view that no noe who wants to solve it can use.

the solving of it involves moving beyond the 'we are too evil for you to solve' point of view that the baby-minds of that culture put out as shills to try and protect their domains from the onslaught of actual liberation and freedom for humanity.


so you see those who squack the most about the 'evil' are actually working for it.

this is not a proof about the fed but about all institutions of governance, most have been long ago usurped, and their missions modified to help the high-born hordes (highborn in their minds) who don't believe in elected govenremtn because they think they own everything.


so ya, 43 post poster, you like to disrupt the thought going on, and the reveals.

because you work for them (naturally I'm doing what he's doing in a sense. who know who that troll really works for)

Anonymous ID: bc1b6f June 7, 2021, 8:02 a.m. No.13849501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9505 >>9507


this is a lazy person who uses an equals sign to do a conflation.

lazy and useless despite all the text (copy pasta?)


shills are an unknown.

sometimes you think it is, but it's not.

also many are tasked here to fish, or 'troll' to see what or who is here.

those are called 'shills' but in fact they are more like fishers or watchers.


so your little equals sign thing shows me that you are what I think is a 'lazy pejoratator' who doesn't want people thinking, but gives them lazy stereotypes to 'rest' on.

and so much text.


shameful, really, what you do.

Anonymous ID: bc1b6f June 7, 2021, 8:07 a.m. No.13849535   🗄️.is 🔗kun



and when anyone starts to engage these lazy minded pejoration farmers, who seem to work for those that they claim to oppose, they veer off into nonsense and envoking scarey meaningless stories.


isn't that seemingly weak and not the behavior os those looking for real solutions?


lazy pejoritators farming their mean-bitch view without regard for anyone's well being, for the purposes of a paycheck or ego.

Anonymous ID: bc1b6f June 7, 2021, 8:28 a.m. No.13849684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9706


confirmation shill, I noted the equals sign as content to do a conflation.

you're confirmation shilling is clear.

if it's 'truth' you saying it is unnecessary.

and yet you had to give your shill confirmation.


PS: lack of criticism does not equal truth.


how do you live without a sense of dreadful shame for being such a liar and a miscreent confirmation shill?