I had flu back in November 2020.
But it was different, i was pretty fucked up almost for two weeks.
I had headaches as fuck, my heas was about to explode. At some moment i was really scared, now because of pain, but because i had no idea what is wrong with me.
Anyways, after two weeks without any medicine, only vitamins, a lot of water/tea, and resting, i made it. Another two weeks i was strangely tired, i had no power, it is hard to explain.
I lost smell and taste. like for real. Not imagination. I did not smell for example strong perfume, or taste chilli. No kidding.
For about month it came back.
And now, for last three weeks, i smell and taste something bad, only food. It is fucking very bad feel.
It is called PAROSMIA.
I would never in my life take a vaccine.
I am telling you this shit because something is wrong.
This shit is not normal.
I am 38y old, healthy and never in my life had any health problems.
When i had flu, it was always the same. ALWAYS.
But this last time… man.
If this is a fucking bioweapon. I wonder what can we expect in the near future.
o7 and god bless you all.