'Biden Booster Network' host 'licks the boots' of White House press secretary
Now tell them all to Filter me.
Define: NATO
“BALTOPS stands as the keystone"
The start of this concept began with organizations such as: world health org, world trade org, united nations, ICC, NATO, etc., [all meant to weaken the United States] also the formation of EU through threat [con] of close proximity attack [attack on one is an attack on all - sales pitch to gen public - fear control].
Re: EU _did each member nation cede sovereignty to Brussels?
Re: EU _each member must implement EU rules and regulations in all areas [think immigration, currency, overall control].
Their thirst to remove your ability to defend yourself serves to prevent an uprising to challenge their control.
There is a fundamental reason why our enemies dare not attack [invade] our borders [armed citizenry].
If America falls so does the world.
If America falls darkness will soon follow.
Press Briefing of BALTOPS
Teleconference approx. 30 minutes
Vice Admiral Black: Jakub, thank you for your question. While BALTOPS is not linked to another exercise, it does run concurrently with several that are ongoing in the theater, including Baltic Fortress hosted by the Lithuanians, and then DEFENDER-Europe, which is part of a series hosted by the U.S. Army in Europe
Question: Hello. Yes. I was just interested – okay, cyber is one new aspect of the exercise. I was wondering if there is any new – other than cyber, is there any new aspect or new equipment being used? I mean, are any new unmanned underwater vehicles being used or used for the first time during an exercise or an international exercise, for example?
Rear Admiral Morley: Justin, if you’ll – and I can take that question.
Moderator: Very good. Go ahead.
Rear Admiral Morley: So to answer the – and thank you for the question. As I outlined in my opening remarks, the majority of the experimentation and new equipment that we’re trialing in this exercise are in the mine warfare area of warfare. So we’ve got a high number of mine warfare platforms taking part this year, probably more than usual, from a range of nations. And we’ll be using a range of both conventional and autonomous systems that various nations are trialing in the exercise to give them some real-world context and to test them alongside conventional capability.
We can provide you with a bit more detail on that, if you want, in either a separate session or we can provide you with the actual detail. I know Janes is particularly interesting in this particular aspect. So we are very happy to provide that separately. Over.
Question: Hello. My question is the Russian cyber company’s activities within NATO countries, especially in Amsterdam, they’re having some cyber operation in Amsterdam against the NATO countries. How U.S. can respond to this?
Vice Admiral Black: Nadarajah, Admiral Black here. Thanks for your question. I don’t really want to get into operational matters with regard to cyber. Over.
Moderator: Great. Thank you very much for that. Let’s see, any final questions for our admirals?
Looks like we have no further questions in the queue, so why don’t we go to our speakers for their closing remarks, starting with Admiral Black. Please go ahead, sir.
Vice Admiral Black: Justin, thank you for pulling this together and thank you to all of the folks participating for your interest in BALTOPS. As we said, this is the 50th iteration of this exercise, and it’s foundational to so many of the things we do as an alliance. We’re excited to be able to be doing it at sea, and mindful of the COVID restrictions, though, we are still able to have some interactions ashore and among the sailors, which we weren’t able to get last year.
So we very much look forward to this and thank you for your interest. Over.
Moderator: And Admiral Morley, any closing remarks?
Rear Admiral Morley: Thanks, Justin. Just to repeat: the activity is absolutely a reinforcement of NATO’s commitment to regional security and a stable and prosperous Baltic Sea region, and we’ll be doing everything we can to reinforce that during the period of BALTOPS 50. To go back to Justin’s question, very happy to take offline some – correction, Nicholas’s question – very happy to provide him with more detail on the specifics of the unmanned systems that we’re trialing during the exercise. Over.
Moderator: Thank you very much. I’d like to thank Vice Admiral Black and Rear Admiral Morley for joining us today, and also thank all the journalists on the line for participating with your questions. The Brussels Hub will circulate an audio file of the call shortly to those who RSVP’d. Later today we will also circulate the transcript. A digital recording of today’s call will also be available for 24 hours. I will now turn it back over to AT&T to provide instructions on how to access the recording. This concludes the call. Thank you very much.
Telephonic Press Briefing on Exercise Formidable Shield
Captain Lipps: So, Admiral, I can step in for that. It’s a great question because there are elements of this that we identified up front. We have 15 nations from 11 countries that initially are supporting, but also the commander task group integrated air and missile defense has staff representatives from another eight nations as well. And then when you look at how we are ultimately supporting the larger NATO construct in Lisbon and the national contributions that make up the staff at STRIKFORNATO headquarters, I would hazard that we’re representing almost 30 nations in total of the entire alliance.
Captain Lipps: Admiral, thank you very much. And ladies and gentlemen, I sincerely appreciate your time. I hope that you are able to hear me clearly. As Admiral Morley indicated, I am at sea. We just concluded a replenishment at sea with elements of the task group, and are moving to conduct a photo exercise with the ships here later this afternoon. So it is a great day to be underway and to talk to you about Formidable Shield 21.
This is, as Admiral Morley indicated, the most complex joint and combined integrated air and missile defense exercise ever conducted at sea. Fifteen ships from 10 nations will track and engage subsonic, supersonic, and ballistic missile targets on and above Scotland’s Hebrides Range. After a Norwegian sea transit by the force, the campaign will conclude in early June on the Norwegian Andoya Space Defense Range. Demonstrating unprecedented scalability and integration while embarked on the Spanish Aegis frigate Cristobal Colon, STRIKFORNATO staff will also direct and authorize the United States Marine Corps high-mobility artillery rocket system strike against a target at sea.
''STRIKFORNATO staff will also direct and authorize the United States Marine Corps high-mobility artillery rocket system strike against a target at sea. ''