Anonymous ID: 3d3e0d June 7, 2021, 3:19 p.m. No.13852175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2263

"You're Emotionally And Mentally Abusing Children": Mom Goes Nuclear On School Board Over CRT, BLM 'Indoctrination'


A New York parent brought the heat to members of the Carmel Central School District board for 'emotionally abusing' children by 'indoctrinating them with communist values.'


In comments at a school board business meeting in Putnam County, NY on Thursday, parent Tatiyana Ibrahim - whose child is a student, slammed the educators for promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT), Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ and anti-police ideologies both on and off campus.


"Stop indoctrinating our children. Stop teaching our children to hate the police. Stop teaching our children that if they don’t agree with the LGBT community that they’re homophobic. You have no idea each child’s life," she said, adding "You don’t know what their family lifestyle consists of, you don’t know the makeup of their life."

Anonymous ID: 3d3e0d June 7, 2021, 3:21 p.m. No.13852190   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Texas Is 25th State To Urge Supreme Court To Overturn New Jersey’s 11-Plus Gun Magazine Ban


Texas has joined a coalition of what is now 25 states urging the U.S. Supreme Court to repeal a New Jersey law banning the possession of firearms with magazines that hold more than 10 bullets, arguing the prohibition violates the Second Amendment and puts law-abiding citizens less able to defend themselves against dangerous criminals.


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced in a statement that he had signed onto an amicus brief (pdf) which argues that allowing law-abiding citizens to carry firearms with 11-plus capacity magazines benefits public safety, counterbalances the threat of illegal gun violence, and helps “make our streets safer.”


“New Jersey’s law is a blatant violation of the Second Amendment, and its mere existence threatens the rights of law-abiding citizens. This law must be struck down,” Paxton said. “Criminalizing the possession of a magazine that is so commonly used leaves Americans defenseless and vulnerable, especially in high crime areas.”


Under the 2018 New Jersey law, it is illegal to produce, transport, sell, or otherwise dispose of magazines with more than a 10-round capacity, which the law characterizes as a “large-capacity magazine.” The law was upheld by the 3rd Circuit last year after a New Jersey gun association and two individuals challenged the ban. The association asked the full court of the 3rd Circuit to hear the case, but the review was denied in an 8–6 vote.


The coalition of 25 state attorneys general is urging the Supreme Court to review the court decision that upholds New Jersey’s ban on 11-plus gun magazines. The group argues in the amicus brief that “large-capacity” is a misnomer, as many of the most popular firearms owned in the United States come standard with a range of 11 to 15 bullets, and there’s “nothing sinister” about such magazines. The group says 11-plus magazines are permitted in 43 states and are considered “standard equipment for many commonly used handguns designed for self-defense.”

Anonymous ID: 3d3e0d June 7, 2021, 3:28 p.m. No.13852219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2269 >>2281 >>2305

Freedom Protesters Pepper-Sprayed As Anti-Lockdown Protests Rock Montreal


'My Body, My Choice'


Freedom-loving patriots were pepper-sprayed as they agitated for an end to lockdown restrictions in Montreal, Canada on Saturday June 5. Montreal, like Paris, France, has been the site of fervent anti-lockdown activity since the globalists began using Coronavirus to steal human freedom in early 2020. The protest in Montreal resulted in the police pepper-spraying the Rebel News journalistic contingent. People have been fined in Quebec to the tune of over $28 million during the pandemic for such violations as disobeying curfew or socializing with other human beings. On Sunday in Harlem, New York City, American patriots heckled disgraced pandemic guru Dr. Anthony Fauci as he made his way to a vaccination-related function.

Anonymous ID: 3d3e0d June 7, 2021, 3:30 p.m. No.13852233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2257 >>2269

Vaccinated New Yorkers are asked why they're still wearing masks outside: 'I shouldn't be given the privilege to not wear a mask'


Filmmaker Ami Horowitz — fresh off a video excursion in which he posed as a worker for made-up group "American Friends for Hamas" and easily convinced numerous Portland State University students to donate toward destroying Israel — set his sights on New York City and asked people vaccinated against COVID-19 why they're still wearing masks outside.


One woman replied, "It feels weird not to."


Another answered, "I just like it. I got used to it. I don't mind wearing it."


One guy actually told Horowitz he forgot he was wearing a mask while another masked fellow took what seemed like forever to answer the question — and then, probably wisely, replied, "No comment."


Another woman replied to Horowitz that even though she's vaccinated and outside, she feels compelled to stay masked up: "I feel like I have to wear it. I don't know why, I just want to wear it."


Yet another woman said since her friends are still wearing masks she believes she ought to as well.


"I feel like I won't take off my mask until everybody does," a different woman confessed.


A man in a tank top enjoying the pre-summer warmth told Horowitz that "there's just a lot of anxieties with taking the mask off, you know, for the first time … it's like a social anxiety at this point."


Another guy said his desire was to "protect others, and there's still a risk no matter what" and that continuing to wear a mask "sets a visual example." He added that continuing to wear the mask is "a bit of a protest" and that "I shouldn't be given the privilege to not wear a mask."


To top it off, a woman who not only had COVID-19 and then was double vaccinated told Horowitz that her desire to continue wearing a mask stems from being "so infuriated with people who didn't wear a mask the whole year. It's like a display of 'I still care.'"

Anonymous ID: 3d3e0d June 7, 2021, 3:42 p.m. No.13852296   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why Did A Pentagon Subagency Dedicated To Countering WMDs Give $37.5 Million To Firm With Ties To Wuhan Lab?


EcoHealth Alliance has received at least $37.5 million from a Department of Defense subagency dedicated to countering weapons of mass destruction, federal records show.

While receiving funding from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency to study and combat viruses in Malaysia, Western Asia and Africa, EcoHealth provided taxpayer funds to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to conduct risky experiments on bat-based coronaviruses, records show.

EcoHealth President Peter Daszak played a key role at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in suppressing debate that the Wuhan Institute of Virology could have played a role in the virus’s release into the human population.


The U.S. charity that allegedly funded risky experiments on coronaviruses at a Wuhan lab prior to the pandemic has received at least $37.5 million from a Department of Defense subagency dedicated to countering weapons of mass destruction, federal records show.


The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) provided the funds to EcoHealth Alliance across nine contracts and grants since 2013, the records show. Five of the DTRA’s projects with EcoHealth are still active. The projects involved studying and combatting pathogenic risks in Malaysia, Western Asia and Africa.


While EcoHealth received funding from the DTRA, which exists to “identify, develop, and field solutions to counter [weapons of mass destruction] and emerging threats,” it simultaneously provided $600,000 in taxpayer funds to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to conduct what some virologists say were gain-of-function experiments on bat-based coronaviruses to artificially enhance their transmissibility.


EcoHealth provided $600,000 to the Wuhan lab in the form of National Institutes of Health subgrants between 2014 and 2019 to study bat-based coronaviruses. While the NIH previously told the Daily Caller News Foundation that the EcoHealth research it funded did not involve gain-of-function experiments, other experts such as Rutgers University Professor Richard Ebright said the grant “unequivocally” described the risky form of research.


The Wuhan Institute of Virology is at the center of widespread speculation that it could have been involved with the release of the virus that causes COVID-19 into the human population in late 2019. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) provided the funds to EcoHealth Alliance across nine contracts and grants since 2013, the records show. Five of the DTRA’s projects with EcoHealth are still active. The projects involved studying and combatting pathogenic risks in Malaysia, Western Asia and Africa.


While EcoHealth received funding from the DTRA, which exists to “identify, develop, and field solutions to counter [weapons of mass destruction] and emerging threats,” it simultaneously provided $600,000 in taxpayer funds to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to conduct what some virologists say were gain-of-function experiments on bat-based coronaviruses to artificially enhance their transmissibility.


EcoHealth provided $600,000 to the Wuhan lab in the form of National Institutes of Health subgrants between 2014 and 2019 to study bat-based coronaviruses. While the NIH previously told the Daily Caller News Foundation that the EcoHealth research it funded did not involve gain-of-function experiments, other experts such as Rutgers University Professor Richard Ebright said the grant “unequivocally” described the risky form of research.


The Wuhan Institute of Virology is at the center of widespread speculation that it could have been involved with the release of the virus that causes COVID-19 into the human population in late 2019.