Anonymous ID: 67198d June 7, 2021, 4:19 p.m. No.13852524   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is the rarest of all libtard species known to exist. The wretched, Bucktooth Progressive Skank. Mostly found in the Northeastern US but also known to inhabit the western coast of the United States. Smaller pods exist in the mid west and certain southern locals. It is not indigenous to the southern regions but has purposely migrated there to inflict as much chaos and damage as it possibly can. A nasty, vile creature with an odorous body smell that is said to be able to knock a Buzzard off a shit wagon from 30 paces. Stay clear of this cretin. If bitten by this Bucktooh Liberal Skank seek immediate medcal attention at the nearest Emergency Room facility. A bite from this creature can lead to disillusionment, altered reality, desire to confiscate money and firearms and rule over others plus a myrid of other non desirable characteristics. This Skank should be outlawed and frankly, shot on site as it is always up to no good and infects and destroys everything it comes in contact with. The Bucktooth Progressive Skank.