Anonymous ID: b0adce June 7, 2021, 3 p.m. No.13852077   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FEC fines National Enquirer, not Trump, over McDougal payment


The Federal Election Commission will fine the National Enquirer $187,500 for paying Karen McDougal $150,000 to suppress her story of an alleged affair with former President Donald Trump.


Trump, by contrast, will avoid punishment as part of the settlement with A360, the tabloid's parent company that previously went by the name American Media Inc., in an agreement that was made public on Tuesday via a letter from the commission released by watchdog group Common Cause.


*FEC additional link:

FEC wants prechecked 'recurring donations' banned after Trump use


"The Federal Election Commission is pushing Congress to stop allowing recurring contributions through "prechecked boxes" on political donation pages after former President Donald Trump's campaign's use of the tactic led to a flood of refunds and fraud complaints.


The commission is an independent federal regulatory agency whose purpose is to enforce campaign finance laws and serve as a watchdog in federal elections. The bipartisan commission has three Democratic commissioners and three Republicans, appointed by Trump, all six of whom came together Thursday to ask Congress to protect online donors by banning political campaigns from using prechecked boxes.


The commission does not have the authority to change the law and require the consent of all online donors before they are enrolled in schemes that take donations from them on a recurring basis. Only Congress has the authority."


WinRed continues to allow the use of prechecked donation boxes, including to help raise money for Trump's new political action committee. ActBlue also allows campaigns to use the prechecked box tool, including for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, but has said it will phase out the use of the tactic in the near future.



Anonymous ID: b0adce June 7, 2021, 3:10 p.m. No.13852125   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The dark personality trait known as Machiavellianism predicts support for mind upload technology


“Personally, I think mind upload is such a bizarre idea or an ideal, that I think it is important to study how ordinary people feel about it,” Laakasuo said. “This type of technology could (potentially) completely redefine what it means to be human — yet there is practically zero public discussion, politics or interest towards the ethics of creating mind uploaded entities.”


The researchers used the online Prolific Academic platform to survey 1,007 participants regarding their views on mind uploading. The participants also responded to 12 morally ambiguous dilemmas, completed an assessment of dark personality traits, and completed a measure of disgust sensitivity.


*Drip, drip for normies - upload a military mind into quantum computer, clone, AI construct… btdt #GodWins #Transhumanism