Some things just beg for a paintball gun.
>Why the fuck would a gravedigger need a hardhat?
Ever stood up and whacked your head on a backhoe bucket?
>basement laundry shoot.
You should post pic with bewbs.
Qresearch has gone to shit since women stopped posting bewbs.
>As long as people express how much their bitcoin is worth in dollars, you have all you need to know.
He's right, you know.
This is what happens when redditors take over.
Fat chicks who are embarrased to post saggy milkers try to shame beautiful women into denying God's beauty from being seen.
>A CORONAVIRUS patient who suffered a three-hour erection has died after the virus caused a blot clot in his penis
>ebot returns !
Anons need a kickstarter to put up a digital billboard that scrolls ebot posts.
Would confuse TF out of commuters.
I clicked that shit. Was totally worth it.