Anonymous ID: 4c4d49 May 12, 2018, 11:43 a.m. No.1385949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6079

>1383888 prev bread


>Fuck Alex Jones

>Time to move on


Yes. Each of us got here by recognizing that many people we once trusted were not being entirely honest. Some reveals came from the outside, unexpected. Others came from our own digging—a nagging suspicion we finally turned to action. Either way, we are wired to feel secure when guided/defended by people (first parents and later friends/mates) with our best interests at heart. When we lose such a person, we must grieve.


Our world is purging an enormously complex and extensive system of high level liars and abusers. If not now, then at some point you will have to face the grief of losing an “ally” and maybe even a “hero,” not by death, but by betrayal. Just remember grieving is temporary, from denial and anger ultimately to acceptance. Just ride the wave and don’t fight it. Don’t blame yourselves, it’s all part of growing in wisdom. Of moving from milk to meat, as the bible says.


Some liars are obvious—total scumbags spouting nonsense. Baby stuff, milk from a bottle. As you walk the red-pill path, your discernment is honed. The tempters enrich their snake oil with higher and higher grades of truth:lie ratios, and become more skilled at knowing exactly which weaknesses in their target audience to play to. No different than pathogens (former infectious disease pharmafag here) adapting to better parasitize their hosts. That’s the bad news.


The good news matters even more though: in the great arms race of life, the host continues to adapt too. Wisdom is the spirit’s immune system, its defense against mind fuckery and temptation. Don’t be dismayed you got fooled. Be thankful you value wisdom enough to be humbled when you realize you didn’t have as much as you thought you did.


None of us is born with wisdom, it’s a path. The path you chose. So be proud you have a heart for wisdom, then humbled you still have so far to go, then wipe the dust from your feet and march on.