Anti psychotic meds often make the person cold as ice even in the summer. It's definitely odd that she's wearing such an outfit.
What kind of absolute loser wears ear protection while chucking a spear? Wait, never mind.
Ah I was unaware of the location. Where exactly was this picture taken and at what time? That'd help. Guess I shoulda considered that before shooting from the hip. I still think she's on anti-psychotics though.
Thanks baker.
Noice! Can you put these to use too?
Holy Fuck 2021 has been really hard on Britney Spears.
Good ol Pingtr1p doing what he does best. Just for the keks.
Gfy farmerfaggot
Go back to playing with your dog you little attention whoring nigger.
It's in the same folder with the Vegas shooting.
I can't wait faggot. The suspense is killing me.