Stale and fucking old.
If you like chewing on bread from last week, then I suppose it's tasty.
But I think ppl are so used to eating shit….. that a shit sandwich looks fine…….
It's a shit sandwich…. it's not fine.
Stale and fucking old.
If you like chewing on bread from last week, then I suppose it's tasty.
But I think ppl are so used to eating shit….. that a shit sandwich looks fine…….
It's a shit sandwich…. it's not fine.
Another legend… you will pay for it in misery…. but the fruits are worth it in "bragging rights" for the rest of your life.
Yup…. 10 posts of shit…. you are the master baker …. masturbater.
It is what it is….lmao…… and I see a piece of shit…. with fingers typing…lol.