Ahh how nice this anon remembers postulating said theory about 3 months ago…kek.
Trump as spkr, can Initiate investigations as speaker vs relying on poss rinos or do nothings to do somethings kek. And yes I remember you not liking idea, but if someone impeaches Biden, Kamala becomes president, with the speaker only a step away from the presidency, and currentlty said spkr is piglosi… So we gotta have a rock solid replacement for Kamala, that isn't pelosi, And if joe goes, Kamala is an easy impeachment, and boom in walks numero tres the man the myth the legend DJT…what a freaking kek. AND he could serve as interim president until election, and then be re-elected effectively serving 2.5 terms or so top kek
It's the only way he can actually serve more than 2 terms…"not just another 4 year election" kek….heck not even just an 8 year one…booyah to the booyah lol deepst8 BTFO bigly