Between [B] and shit like this lately…
Can't QR get some halfway competent shill these days?
Between [B] and shit like this lately…
Can't QR get some halfway competent shill these days?
kek I was wondering where you were since that one was right up your alley.
I am an active member of the * gibberish club.
I don't use sg since it's way better when it's just you doing the one that started it all.
Jim was asked about it last week.
His response (posted here via cap from Gab or wherever he posts these days) was simply that's up to the Board Owner to do not me.
So, it appears only Q can remove it at this point.
Nope, Patchnigger abused his position and then blamed Sgt. B (himself) for the deception.
Concur - I love Waffle House - I will be heartbroken if they ever go the poz route causing me to have to dump them.
Nah - SG Anon is usually spot on in calling out you niggers.
limited vocabulary gibberish
>Thats why I tend to be open minded about "B"
aka I hate OSS so much that I'll believe any bs that comes along just to spite him.
Wow, a simple 2 word reply to your faggotry causes you to start rambling on in classic butthurt fashion.
If your beliefs are so sound they should stand up to any form of scrutiny.
Settle down, Yankee.
kek I 'member when you made that a while back good times