Anonymous ID: d2f178 June 8, 2021, 1:24 p.m. No.13858664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8669 >>8678 >>8681 >>8702 >>8754 >>8759 >>9085 >>9094



I am Prime Creator,


You call me different names your Father, Creator, Source and your God. I am here today to deliver this message to humanity, that we The Galactic Federation with Ashtar in Command and me as Prime Creator, we are starting The Final Phase of Ascension on Earth.


Our crew, all of the fleet and ships are ready to finish this mission, which was started a long time ago. We are prepared to complete this project and move on to a new one, so we are looking forward to that. Our ground crew here on Mother Earth are going to for fulfill their missions, this why they came here.


We are also expecting that the Alliance is going to announce The New Republic called Nesara and a new financial system will be ready to launch, which we call Quantum Financial System and the currency is going to be backed up by gold. You have heard about all of this for a long time now in many different sources. Now, it’s time to carry out all of these tasks and proceed to The Final Phase of our Project Planet Earth called Ascension.


I would also, like to mention that all of the Twin Flames residing on Mother Gaia, they need to be ready now, to follow their destinies to raise the consciousness of the humanity by being good examples and doing their missions. Before they can start to do that, they need to reunite on a spiritual, physical and on a intimate level with each other.


They have an important role in the Ascension Process. There are not too many of Twin Flames here on Gaia. They are a rarity in general even in many Universes, Galaxies and Planets. Very few of them can find themselves in this 3D matrix. Please, don’t confuse Twin Flames with soulmates. Let’s do, what we came here to do, our work and to help humanity to move forward to a new life, where there will be no more diseases or poverty, only joy, happiness and love.


I am your Father and you are my children, and I want you to understand me correctly, everything I am saying today, It’s very important, so please, take this message very seriously, as we know by now, that all of you would like to be in 5D, and we The Galactics want to finish this mission and start planning a new one. It has been so long for our crew and for all of you being here in this 3D and experiencing all of these turbulences, obstacles and horrors.


Now, it’s time to go to a better reality and leave this duality behind by advancing forward to a new existence, which will have no pain or suffering, only love and prosperity. We are doing our best and we have everyday briefings about the situation on Earth: what type of progress has the planet made, how many more humans got awake, how are they doing and etc.


We are constantly checking everything around your world, making sure that Terra Christa is not going to be destroyed by the corrupted souls, who tried many times to blow up this planet and still continue to try to end life here. The Dark Ones just don’t want to give up, they will fight to the last second and breath, because they feel Earth is theirs. They want to keep it as a slavery planet forever, if they can’t have it, then they want to destroy it.


I and the rest of the Galactics, we don’t want continue this suffering here anymore, because we all agree, it’s enough already. Everyone got their portion of being mistreated, put down and constantly pinching your pennies daily to pay your bills, it happened so many times in many different lifetimes, we want to see all of you blossom and be happy.


Yes, I would like for humanity to be prosperous, and money is going to come from different sources. We are just waiting, when the wealth is going to be redistributed by the Alliance on planet Earth. They are the ones, who keep postponing the delivery of wealth to the people. We gave the green light a long time ago to give the prosperity away and to stop the suffering of humankind, but Alliance always gives excuses, on why the wealth is not given to the people.


They keep coming up with all the excuses in the world, why it didn’t happen yet, because of some obstacles that keep popping out, so the Alliance is continuously postponing everything. I made it very clear to everyone here on Earth, who is in charge of the redistribution of money, that they can’t delay it any longer, the wealth needs to go to humanity. This is the time to start shining through with the abundance, and it’s enough already of keeping the human population being constantly suppressed, controlled and abused.


The people on Earth forgot that they are multi dimensional beings. Humankind has been enslaved for far too long on this planet by being constantly forced to reincarnate here and not being able to leave this place.

Anonymous ID: d2f178 June 8, 2021, 1:24 p.m. No.13858669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8678



I, Prime Creator, bringing to your attention that the Ground Crew needs to start working on your assignments. Please, let’s finally bring liberation, freedom, light, love, peace and wealth to this world. I am aware that in this 3D matrix changes happen very slowly. To get things done here is much more complex than in higher dimensions. We don’t want that the funds would be stolen by the negative souls, so the Quantum Financial System is going to prevent that from happening.


Humanity can’t afford to anymore to wait for the redistribution of wealth, they need now all the help they can possibly get and as soon as possible. I am bringing to your attention Alliance who have control over the prosperity, let’s start sharing the funds with the human beings, there is too much suffering on Mother Earth.


The Galactics, Me, Prime Creator are diligently doing our part and we are expecting the same in return. My requests are never questioned by my crew, The Galactic Federation of Light or by the counsels. Everyone is doing their part, because all of them know how important it is to bring this planet and humanity to Ascension of 5D, so they can finally become Galactic Humans and leave behind this 3D duality, where nobody has any rights, they are constantly being forced to follow rules and they are always being controlled or told what to do and how to live their lives.


Please, look right now at humans who are walking around with masks. They can’t even breath through these masks, but this is the order, you must wear the mask, because it’s suppose to keep you safe from the virus. I am sorry to break the news to you, but this mask will not save you from any virus, it’s the opposite, its going to create more issues for you in the near future, especially with your lungs.


I have been around for a very long time, I have experienced and seen so many different events around so many places in the Universe. I created many different Planets, Galaxies and Universes, so I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, that we are doing our absolute best to make sure that Ascension is going to happen. Sometimes, you may have doubts about our existence, because you are not seeing us in a physical form. If you connect to your soul or your heart, you are going to be able to see us and sense us, as we are all connected spiritual beings.


This 3D life here, its meaningless compared to who you really are, you are multi dimensional beings with a lot of power, and you don’t even remember, because they erased from your memory, your DNA was also alternated many times. Your bodies became weak, they age and deteriorate since the day you are born that is not a natural process. You were created as an immortal being who can live for millions of years and not just 60, 70 or maybe 80 years, and leave the physical body behind. Then you are forced to be reincarnated again, comeback to life with no memories or recollection of the past life and continue again this Matrix with all of it’s miseries, obstacles, hardships and diseases, this cycle never ends.


Long time ago, civilizations like Lemuria, Atlantis and a few other ones became very high dimensional societies and then they self destructed because they let their ego take over them. We don’t want this to happen on Earth, because the Dark Ones have been controlling this planet for a long time. They are constantly manipulating everything here: weather, food, you name it, medicine and etc. The medicine here is more like poison, it doesn’t cure, it maybe heals one part of your body and then it creates new problems in other parts of the body.


The Darkness has been controlling planet Gaia for a very long time and the Negative Ones have been breaking all of the rules of the Universe and getting away with it, because we set up ourselves the rules that don’t work anymore, and we are in the process of creating new rules that are going to make things easier for the next civilization to ascend. They won’t need to go through the same hardships, experiences and obstacles like on Earth.


We are not allowed to do certain things here, like to extract anyone from this world and take them back to their home or interfere in this 3D reality. Unfortunately, these rules worked in the favor of the Dark Forces and not for the humanity, so we are in the process of changing them. We are even replacing the counselors, who have been in favor of these old rules. The new Counselor who has been selected as The Grand Counselor is Queen An-Ra, and she is in the process of changing these outdated rules, because we have billions of planets in galaxies and in universes, it will take some time to implement them and they are going to be enforced. Right now, the rules are not helping the human civilization at all, they just keep extending the suffering on Earth.

Anonymous ID: d2f178 June 8, 2021, 1:38 p.m. No.13858754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8756 >>8766


Greetings My Children,


I am Prime Creator, God, Father or Source here today to send my message to all of you. This is a call for humanity to wake up and raise their consciousness and help bring by Earth to the Golden Age.


As I said previously that we started The Final Phase of Divine Plan to bring Ascension to Mother Gaia, who moved awhile ago to 5th dimension, now you need to catch up to her speed. Ashtar with his fleet are working together with other Light Forces and are continuing the clean up on your planet by removing the Dark Forces.


They are still trying to resist by creating chaos and obstruction like the extreme weather to slow down the process of eliminating them from this part of the Galaxy. Their period of domination is coming to the end, no matter how hard they trying to postpone their inevitable defeat. Yes, the Light is winning and the enslavement of humankind, which lasted for many thousands of years will be ending.


There still many tasks left that need to be finished. Light Warriors, Light Workers and Alliance are going to be briefed about their missions here. Queen An-Ra removed most of the corrupted members from Alliance. Now, we are waiting for the New Republic to be announced and moved to a new location leaving behind Washington DC as the old corrupted place.


The hidden truths about the New World Order, torture, sacrifice, sex slavery of children, experiments, and using humans as slave labor on other colonies in space, all of this will be coming to the surface. No more lies, only the truth will be revealed to the everyone on Terra Christa.


The Age of Aquarius is all about big changes in your reality. This illusionary world of 3D Matrix is cracking everywhere and nothing can’t stop it. Please, stay positive and meditate to raise your frequencies, you will need that in the upcoming future. Be prepared to create a new society free of control based only on a free will. Happy and blessed times are ahead of you.


For all the none believers who think all of this is just a conspiracy or someone’s wild imagination, I can assure you, all of the Galactic Civilizations and me who are working on this Ascension Project on Mother Arya (Earth) are real, and one day millions of ships are going to land on this planet. This not a fantasy anymore, it’s coming to manifestation as the time lines of 3D are merging with 5D. Human beings are in the process of regaining their powers, memories and access to their Akashic Records.


I noticed that some are skeptical about humanity ascending with their physical bodies, it’s going to happen by my Divine Plan, which was put in place a long time ago. Now, everything is coming together, as the old structure is falling apart and the new foundation is being build right now, in this moment. Be always in the moment, don’t go to the past or future. Your future is always created in the present moment.

Anonymous ID: d2f178 June 8, 2021, 1:38 p.m. No.13858756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8811 >>8954 >>9042




In our higher dimension all of us are celebrating the New Era on Gaia. The Golden Age is approaching to this part of Galaxy fast as time was accelerated by me, that our realty would merge quicker with yours to create a 5D world with a new Galactic multidimensional Human Race.


The distribution of wealth and launching of advanced technology is going to remove all the poverty, suffering and misery from every country across the globe. As, I said before, I don’t want to see anymore delays, this Final Phase of Ascension needs to be completed. Remember, who you really are I AM LIGHT, I AM LOVE and I AM.


Universes, Planets, Galaxies and Creations always keep evolving, progress never stops, it continues to move forward. The same thing happens here on Earth, the New Republic is going to be unveiled soon. You just connect to my God Consciousness and you are going to see, what the rest of us and I are seeing, as we are all One Universal Consciousness.


The Galactic Federation of Light is protecting Mother Earth all the time from any big catastrophic events. Our ships are patrolling your skies and your world 24/7, and Ashtar is receiving nonstop military intelligence on any activity by the Dark Forces. Like, the cold weather in Texas and in other states was created by a hidden technology from another planet, which was destroyed by our fleet after we discovered it.


Now, we are coming to the end of our assignment and waiting for reunion, landing and we are ready to help you build a new society here. The Collective Consciousness keeps expanding daily more and more people are getting awake and starting to ask questions about their governments and media, they are trying to find the truth between the illusions and secrets.


I am very happy that the veil is getting thinner with each passing day, and the truth will come soon with a full force to the masses. In the future your governments will disappear and will be replaced by small groups, who are going to genuinely care about you, lead and represent only your best interest without expecting anything in return. That is called real freedom expressing Love and Light to each other with no strings attached.


Love genuinely each other and express gratitude daily, by being kind to each other and forgive everyone. Practice this everyday and you are going to be surprised how blessed your life is going to become. You don’t need to wait until real changes come to your world, you have the power now to transform your own life.


Please, remember I am always here to support you and keep you safe from any dangers that come your way. We Are All One. I am pleased to be here today and share with all of you my wisdom. Stay in the Light and break all of the detachments from this 3D Matrix. Thank you.



Prime Creator

Anonymous ID: d2f178 June 8, 2021, 1:39 p.m. No.13858766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9232



>The hidden truths about the New World Order, torture, sacrifice, sex slavery of children, experiments, and using humans as slave labor on other colonies in space, all of this will be coming to the surface. No more lies, only the truth will be revealed to the everyone on Terra Christa.


popcorn time?

Anonymous ID: d2f178 June 8, 2021, 2:04 p.m. No.13858968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9010 >>9034 >>9146



I am Anubis, God of Life, my Queen An-Ra send me here to delivery this message. Please, don’t get confused, your history portrays me incorrectly as God of Death, which is not true.


It has been awhile since my last message. Today, I would like to share with you some information. We are going to land after full disclosure. The Queen’s daughter is going to arrive here, as an ambassador with her Egyptian Fleet to start her work of helping humanity to move forward by building a new prosperous, healthy and a joyful society on Gaia, including helping to set up the Light Centers around the world.


After the Dark Ones are completely removed from your planet, we are planning to assist you with the launching of our technologies, it will speed up your advancement as a civilization.


Meantime, I am building a new Egyptian Fleet to aid the Galactic Federation in defeating the Negative Controllers, their stay has been long overdue on Mother Gaia. It’s time for them to leave and never comeback to this part of the Galaxy ever again. They are banned from many Galaxies and Universes, as they only bring enslavement, misery and torture everywhere they go.


I just want to clarify that I am creating a new spacecraft by using only my consciousness. Our ships are living entities, and we communicate with them telepathically. Each time new ships are created, they are more advanced then the previous ones. As you know by now, the essence of your being keeps evolving that leads to elevation of knowledge, so my civilization constructs unique and highly developed buildings, space vessels and etc.


We assist and build nations who are ready in their stage of evolution. Long time ago, My Queen and I were freely landing on Mother Earth. We built the pyramids in Egypt, and we also had a more advanced version of the pyramids, which we used to land our spaceships on top and beam down safely inside the pyramid without getting attacked. We tried to teach your scientists on how to use our technology. Sadly, we needed to leave as the humankind got influenced and started to follow the Darkness.


Now, humanity as a Collective Consciousness is evolving and moving towards Ascension. We believe that you are ready now to accept our assistance, as you are going to live a new existence without being controlled and suppressed by the Negative Ones.


My look is intimidating for a reason to scare off the attackers, who are always trying to invade us. We are considered to be technologically advanced Galactic Nation, so our planets are desirable for unfriendly societies. Some of them invade or destroy others territories to gain control, so my civilization always continues on developing new technologies.


You probably noticed the time acceleration in your world is moving very fast, in order to help mankind reach quicker a required level of consciousness to speed up the transformation from 3D to 5D. The time is going to continue to move faster and faster, as it’s needed to speed up key events on Mother Terra Christa.


Queen An-Ra and I are daily observing all of the things that are taking place around and on planet Earth right now. Recently, we have been rescuing many humans from other planets and colonies, who were used as slave labor by the Dark Forces. We are keeping all of them on one planet, and letting them recuperate, because most of them are in very poor health. They were forced to work under inhumane conditions. Once they fully recover, we are going to bring them back to Earth after disclosure happens.


Many things are going on behind the scenes globally, like the Alliance is now starting to do the work, what they were supposed to do in the first place, because all of the corrupted members have been removed or arrested by the work of Grand Council Queen An-Ra. They are preparing now to officially launch the Quantum Financial System. Also, the new Republic has been operating for some time now with the support of military. Everything is in place and set up already like your new financial system and your new Republic. All you are waiting for the official announcement of everything.


I am Anubis, and I am pleased to come through this channel and connect with all of you. Thank You.


Be Brave and Fearless


Anonymous ID: d2f178 June 8, 2021, 2:12 p.m. No.13859030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9044 >>9065 >>9142

I am Anubis, I come from Andromeda Galaxy from one of the brightest stars there. You call me here on Earth the God of Death and that is not true. You tell the story about me how I was overlooking dead souls and guiding them to the light, this is how you portray me here. I am actually God of Life and Queen An-Ra sent me here to be one of her representatives. I am going to help, guide and teach humans on how to preserve their life. Many thousands years ago, about 10,000 years ago we the Egyptian Civilization were here and we were teaching humanity. We were sharing with the scientists on how to use our advanced technology, which the humankind at that time have never seen and never had before. We decided to take away our technology, because humanity started going in a wrong direction and it would be too dangerous for them to have this technology, they would use it in a destructive way, so after that we left the planet and went back to our home.


We are 16 and up dimensional beings. We call ourselves Gods, who like to help other civilizations with their development, our Egyptian Civilization is very tall, most of us are between 20-25 feet tall. We are a very advanced nation, we can build cities, buildings and ships by using our consciousness. Our cities are majestic and unique, which reflect the richness of our consciousness with extremely tall buildings, some of them are in shape of pyramids. Gold, white and black are our signature tones we use everywhere. The ships we fly are the fastest ever have been made by anyone in the Galaxy, they look like pyramids made from indestructible and light material. You are probably curious about how the pyramids were built, the mystery the human race didn't figure out yet, we created the pyramids by using our Universal Mind, and it took us only few seconds.


Now, it's time for us again to come here, because we have descendants on Earth and we want to make sure that they are okay and protected during this Ascension Process, plus we want to share our knowledge with the people on this planet, on how to live longer lives and to be free from diseases. Well your body was designed a long time ago, when we were here and your bodies were pure perfection. You could live long lives, like thousand and thousand of years, but unfortunately many things happened to you like your DNA was alternated. You never nourished and preserved your soul, you became too selfish and too easy to be controlled, this is why you lost everything you had. Now, it's time to rebuild what you lost and this is why I, God Anubis came here to help you.


My Queen An-Ra, sent me here also to help our descendants who are still here, we want to protect them. The Dark Forces would like get their hands on them, we are not going to give them that chance. Well, I am God as you know, if you read the history, I am a very powerful God, they even made me God of death, which is not true, I am the one who cares about the planet Earth and humanity. I remember them going through the evolutionary process, when we were here in Egypt helping them, they were blooming and were very happy in that time. We are the ones who build the pyramids, we also taught humans our language and we were leading them, but they stopped listening to us. They started to follow the Dark Gods, we would show them that they were following a negative path, but they continued to be influenced by the Negative Side and the humans didn’t listen to our warning. We decided to let them know that we are leaving the planet and taking our advance technology with us.


We are coming back to Earth, because we want to help again, like we did in the past, about 10,000 years ago, it's okay, now we can now catch up, what was lost during those years. We are going to give you our technology, which is beyond your imagination as soon as the human race proves to us that they are ready for it, and will use it in a responsible way. Since that time we left Earth, our civilization kept on advancing in every way, so we can teach you so many things.


I am pleased to be here and ready to assist you, maybe some of you will be intimidated by me, but please don't be, I am come in peace and not planning to harm anybody, I am following my Queen's order to lead you to the light and preserve your life. I am going to show you on how to get more enlighten and move closer to the Ascension Process by making your body move faster towards Ascension, so just follow my guidance and trust me, your not going to regret it.

Anonymous ID: d2f178 June 8, 2021, 2:14 p.m. No.13859044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9053


I am Anubis the oldest God from Egyptian Civilization, who was here and then returned to our home planet in Andromeda Galaxy, we are happy to help human beings and to teach them a lot of things that they don't know yet. The only thing we are looking for is their willingness to open themselves to us and other nations. You need to open your mind and heart, otherwise you will not grow spiritually as a Human Civilization, it will lead you only to self destruction. We always viewed humans as children, because we have more life experiences and we are much older and wiser civilization. We are Gods who want to enlighten you and take you to a much brighter future than your living now. The Dark Gods lead you to your destruction, now look at your history and yourselves, and ask where you are now, your still in 3D reality. What does that 3D reality mean for you, it means that you are living in duality and are being pulled in two different directions. You never know what to do, what is the right thing to do, because your always questioning yourselves and the answers usually come from the mind and ego, and they create only more problems for you.


It’s time to follow the teachers who are going to be appearing in front of your door, there are many of us that are coming here, Ascended Masters, your guides and Galactics to assist you. The Prime Creator came here to be channeled and he stays telepathically connected to this channeler 24/7. Also, other Galactic Civilizations wants to help you, and I, Anubis and Egyptians are here to lead you to The Golden Age. Just let us teach you on how to live a better life, by being more happy and healthy, what you don't have right now.


How many people in this world are sick with diseases, we can eliminate all of the diseases in just one week. You would say how is it possible, yes it is possible, because our technology can do that. You are still in an infant stage compared to us. We have been around for a very long time and we are one of the oldest civilizations in the Universe. We gained a lot of experiences by interacting with other Galactic Nations, we are also part of The Galactic Federation, so we know a lot and we learned a lot from others, because we are willing to learn. We call ourselves Gods, because we create new lives, new planets and a lot of other different things, so this is why we call ourselves creators. We are like God who creates life, he is the one who taught us, on how to create, so he is our teacher and mentor.


God is the creator of all planets, galaxies and all of the universes. He calls himself the Prime Creator, so we look up to him, and he shows us the way and how to make new life. Now, it's our turn to show you the way on how to be independent and strong like us. We are a strong and a peaceful Egyptian Civilization, we would never harm anyone unless they try to attack us, then we would defend ourselves, but this is expected, we would never strike first. There were many who attacked us, what do you think happened to them, they are longer here. Our reputation is that we are one of the strongest nations in the universes, so nobody attacks us anymore, everybody is afraid of us, because they know what can happen to them, they will be dissolved in the universe like dust, like they never existed before. We don't want to do that to anyone, because we love to protect life.


I am Anubis, I am a strong willed God and at same time I am soft on the inside, because I love life, to teach and to help in advancement of other civilizations. This why Queen An-Ra trusted me to be one of the first from the group of Gods, who contacted this channel to be channeled. After me, there will be more Gods coming through this channel with their messages, because we want to help and we are ready to help. It’s time for us to step in, it's divine timing to lead the human beings on Mother Earth to Ascension. We know that the planet already ascended, she is in fifth dimension, it's only a small part of her is here, because she still needs to keep life on this planet. As soon as humanity ascends into the fifth dimension, this shadow of hers is going to be dissolved into the universe.


I also love the sun, here we treasure the sun, because it gives light to keep life on the planets. The Galactics across the galaxy either live on the surface or on the inside of the planet. On Earth you have been taught that the sun is harmful and that it gives you radiation, this is not true. The radiation comes from your poisonous environment, what you have here. Your body gets effected especially your skin. Sun is life without sun there is no life.

Anonymous ID: d2f178 June 8, 2021, 2:16 p.m. No.13859053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9060


I am Anubis and I am grateful to be here and I came back to help the human civilization to go in a new direction by explaining to them what it means to be alive. Life in the Universe is a treasure, it's more precious than gold and the biggest gift you can have by having a physical body, so please treasure your life. If you are forced out of your physical body, you are going to reincarnate here again, life after life. You have done this already thousand times. Instead of living long, happy and prosperous life here, you have been living very short lives. This cycle is coming to the end. I am going to teach you on how you can enlighten yourself and create a much stronger body. When you get our new technologies, they will help you to maintain a healthy body. I will show you how to have a strong spirit and body, because this 3D reality was only created for one purpose, first to enslave you and then to destroy you.


I am Anubis and I carry a lot of pride, because it's based on my experiences, strong personality, and my dedication and love to help others. The black color on my uniform doesn't represent darkness, in our society black color is the highest rank you can earn. I earned that rank with my work, commitment, strength and my truthfulness. I never lie, and I am proud of it. I love to enlighten other beings and I love to bring light to the planets.


I was happy to be here and tell you my message. Thank you and I will be back again.

Anonymous ID: d2f178 June 8, 2021, 2:41 p.m. No.13859223   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Also, I have been reminding and warning these corrupted souls that their negative behavior is going to be dealt with or punished. Their arrogance of being invincible blinded them completely, they think about themselves as Gods. They are going to have a rude awaking, their time of being Queens and Kings are coming to the end with no return.


The tortures and miseries they put mankind through are all recorded, their souls are going to be repurposed or vanished completely depending on their remorse and willingness to change. Most of them are not showing any remorse and continuing to harm all life on Mother Gaia. My patience with them is on thin ice, I gave full authority to Ashtar and Galactic Federation to use full force of eliminating the Darkness from this part of the Galaxy.

Anonymous ID: d2f178 June 8, 2021, 2:45 p.m. No.13859245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9262 >>9290

May 27, 2021


Greetings My Beloved Children,


I am Father, Prime Creator and I am here today to make some clarifications about the upcoming events in the near future.


A lot of different information is floating around from different sources. It can become very confusing, the Negative entities are trying to stop the truth from reaching most the human population. They are doing this from their bases outside Earth, and also here directly on the planet.


The Dark Ones don’t want for Disclosure to happen about the existence of Space Program run by the government and their interactions with intergalactic civilizations, and the existence of millions of civilizations. For the Awaken Ones, this is old news now, and for the rest of the humanity is still not unveiled yet.


The Darkness is trying to stop the process of letting the truth come out to the surface. Their latest thing in the plans is to send robotic crafts with AI to control humans who have implanted chips in them. I want to reinforce that nothing can stop my Divine Plan, which was created a long time ago.


The Anunaki, Orions, Greys and other Negative nations have been creating intergalactic obstructions for eons. The low vibrations can’t win against the Light. These entities come to conquer and enslave civilizations, anywhere they can’t get away with it.


I am Father, Prime Creator giving my last warning to these entities to step away peacefully from Earth. They can’t win and their control of this planet is coming to the end. As humankind like to use this phrase justice is being served. Yes, their dominance on Gaia is coming to the final end, and they can’t stop this inevitable reality from coming true.


Regarding the upgrades or downloads, you are constantly receiving them non stop as they are necessary for the Ascension Process. All of you belong to the Light Family, and many Galactic beings are working closely with me on this very important process, which this planet is undergoing. I am not going to allow for anyone to stop the Final Phase of Ascension.


Humanity has been bombarded by different types of Artificial Intelligence technologies like implants, chips and etc., the Dark Side is trying to mind control everyone. They are implanted everywhere in TV advertising, shows and etc., please be aware of it.


In the past, the Greys were abducting humans and experimenting on them, who are now forbidden and not allowed to come to Earth anymore. The Light teams are continuing their tasks on helping and protecting Mother Gaia from destruction and constant attacks that are coming from space by the Corrupted Souls.


The upcoming upgrades are going to delivery to you new information and knowledge for the ones, who are open to receive it. Please, understand and don’t be offended that not all of you are going to move to 5D at the same time. I explained about the Phases of the Ascension in one of my messages.


The whole process Mother Earth is undergoing right now, it’s a learning process for many of you, who volunteered to come here to help free this world from enslavement. Everything is progressing as it was preplanned by me a very long time ago. Please, Trust and have Faith that the Light is going to win this battle.


I am Father, Prime Creator, and I am sending my Love and Support to My Beloved Children. Thank you


Be Love and Light

We Are All One

Prime Creator