but they don't do that for your children? why not your children too?
what if I don't have any children?
sounds like the tone and narrative of a propagandist.
but they don't do that for your children? why not your children too?
what if I don't have any children?
sounds like the tone and narrative of a propagandist.
you're far left, not right at all.
and shilling nonsense and curses.
you are a nonsense shill flooding the board with hatred.
automated flooding of free speech boards is a violation of the rights of others.
you are tagged as a hater and a divider, on the wrong side of humanity.
perhaps not even human at all.
if you are an AI assistent, your operators may, in fact, be war criminals in many people's eyes through suppression of others rights and subversion.
I can't pretend that you aren't a propaganidst?
that's what I can't pretend?
it is happening that you propagandize fear and division in a free speech board.
the rest of what you say: your word is void, you're a meaningless conflict shill, evidence of suppression of civil rights and nonsense shilling.
your constant badger and hateful division trolling tags your operators as suppressors of a free speech board. You're here to shut up the people.
everything you post is only posted as a way to try and hurt and divide the anon who use the board.
in a crazier world they would call you a serial abusers and you would be put forward as a criminal for suppression of the rights of others (assuming you're a bot automated by an operator working for an agency).
I know you're a desperate sounding narrative. That's really all I know about you.
now you're pretending I'm an AI?
I type quickly. The letters often transpose or do not get typed at all. I'm not a bot.
if you are flooding the hateful red text, I'm jamming you this morning.
not as a bot, but as a person who is sick of it.
and telling you: the next trend will be that the left will say that what you do is violations of other rights: and they will call you a criminal for being a hateful troll and divider.
go figure.
but if you want to pretend that your hateful behavior is righteous, you won't get away with it.
It bothers you that people talk to you?
you just want to fllod your nonsense in a constant stream with no interaction with others?
you do this thing with the angry slur words and make up classes of angry people who do not, in fact, even exist.
this 'angry mob' thing you do is only in your head, shill bot.
there are no such mobs.
and if you see such a mob yuo're experiencing a psyop. you probably went looking for it.
there will be no time coming as you claim for me. you're not a prophet, and the age of prophecy has long gone past.
you seem to be an angry child, you want the explanations that hurt less to be the true ones, not understanding that the only real thing that matters is the method you use to explain.
your manner of explaining is so fowl (to eveyrone else) that you void your own effect.
you becoming a meaningless broken bell.
you are the salt that has lost its taste.
you think that the rancid explaining of things with slurs and putdowns that you imagine cut like knifes, eases the pain of the fact that you're alone and confused about others. you have never found anyone worthy of trust?
anyway, the content of your narrative isn't as important as your manner and behavior.
and you can't seem to overcome it.
you're like a fly on fly paper crying out 'I'll sting you, you know I will. My words are meaning full, you know that they are"
but you're screaming in the dark ness, and all most people do is swat you.
other times someone decided to spend some energy trying to make it clear what you do, and that, in fact, you may not even be real . . .
the expenditure of energy used to craft your angry redness is, in fact, a metric about you.
chances are you're a group project, some team is there watching each post and thinking 'how can we agitate this person further?'
if so then the agency people should understand that we are here watching you watching us and what you do is mostly a violation and you are outside the limits of real law when you do it.
not that I can do anything about it so doesn't that rather define abusive behavior if, in fact, that is what you do with me and others here, peaceful pepole who want the news and need to know what is happening in the world.
you'll discover we were mostly right all along.
and that you've been mislead into imagining us as enemies.
but this red text dork will spurge on till the end of the shift of the crew that is sock puppetting this persona here.
again: the sockpuppetting of angry persona dolts who curse and defame, if it is AI assiteted, or the rouse of an agency or team of operators, such use of a free speech board abuses the free speech of others.
now you know. you know what the most unhinged will tell you when they finally have the chance.
what venue will they approach you in?
I write in a genre of a fiction where the person doesn't ignore that often what we imagine actually can and will happen.
someone will be charged with redtext abuse of others right to free speech on an image board.
the right to free speech can itself be used to suppress the effect of the red text flooding.
this would be a point of view that I'd find incorrect, however, it would still be used (because people are flawed like that, they like censorship)
so whatever, be a dork. I can't do anything. Plus you do have free speech if you aren't an AI.
in any case you're wasting your time with me.
if this is an AI assisted RED text generated flood of hateful division farming, then some will see it as an attempt to surpress free speech and can perhaps take that further, as leftists will often do, to declare the team that uses this bot-tech as criminal suppressors of others rights.
so quit it for your own good.
why would anyone care to imitate you?
If you are real, then fine.
I can churn it out too.
my point is that AI bot assist shill floods are abuse of others rights to free speech and division shilling.
while I understand that free speech is very important, I also understand that the law limits behaviors, and use of certain tools.
using a tool of AI to assit in a bitch scold post flood is abusive.
I'm giving a public service anouncement to those who think that no law applies in these matters. Human law may not but other laws might.
but you tred with your clonkers on and make a trail through the wet parts.
dragging mud through all narratives, and picking it up, and flinging it around.
if you did that by yourself then your an energetic writer.
otherwise it's agency abuse and not good for the agency, it's people, or those who are supposedly served (the justification) by that agency, cause, org, group, or team.
if you're not a bot just stop the red text.
PS: there are no angry mobs as you describe unless you go looking for one.
and even then it is just a mock.
people are people.
you saying that they will become a mob is what induces the mob.
go ahead. I give warnign to agency abusers.
if you're not that then you are a person? a kind of name fag.
I'd call you angry, and a bit unhinged.
and you have a pisspoor point of view about people and groups.
you use the same nonsense phrase for a racial group.
people are partly psychic, and they also love to play the rouse.
if you go looking for mobs, someone might make it happen for you, but only for you.
what you think is what you get. you keep using that poison phrasing, your conjure it up for yourself.
I really have no capacity to trust media as you suggest. I'd say I've tried to mostly be a skeptic.
I am a writer at heart and this place lets it flow.
so make shit up, all day, all night, about who is where and why, because you seem to need a narrative that others here are broken.
the curses you make go back to you.
you're narrative is rancid.
the words you use to name others is fowl.
you repeat operational phrasing which is the height of disrespectful behavior.
you're basically what is known as a negative creep. it's far fetched that someone real would be such an elaborate creep as you pretend to be. . . .
more evidence that your probably a creepbot AI.
you've gone into lazy mode when dealing with me.
you use operational phrasing repetitively like a psyop.
That's AI stuff or a LARP.
Larping personas aren't reall either, agency team.
what you say others deserve is often the solution that others use on you.
that's how you curse your self by making threats.
the curse seeks you out, you're it's mommy.
You're a creep bot pejoratator trying to train people to use your degenerate ideas as wrapped within your choice of nominative phrases, the names you use for groups.
what else you are?
probably AI assited shill team
again uses repetitious operational nominative clauses that perpetuate fowl and base concepts of operational bullshit explanations about groupings of people.
you're too 'on message' to be authentic or you're deeply hypnotized or you're trying to hypnotize a bad idea into other people's heads.
It's too meticulous in using the same exact lazy minded nominative phrasing for groups.
perhaps it gets paid for each placement.
knowingly a consist racist . . .
knowingly concise racism
knowingly a consistent racist
so you're a 'one of one' not a 'one of agency?'
and you use your free time to spurge racism in a consistant operational style of a brainwash dialect?
and you put that on your resume?
You should have a lawyer on retainer, 'anon'
it's a shill team pretending to have the persona of person in wheel chair whose name shows up on the board.