Reds under the bed should be dealt with quickly before they spread, like this one.
Kudos for your stand
Reds under the bed should be dealt with quickly before they spread, like this one.
Kudos for your stand
I'd be happy to go down
but bein' deep state
How low can you go
& i'd need some juan to go down on
Hi tits, I know, its called a joke, you should try smilin' sometime
God is a generic term from Gad
Name your master or you have none and if you have no master you are not a servent.
The LORD planned, has done, knows the outcome
Karma is choice, Dharma is unavoidable
i stole the election dude, what have you done recently?
Learnt how to red text obciously, haved you mastered black or is that too black for your whteness?
Stupid in red is obviously your style
>Notable because it is challengin' the standing rule that no one is above the Law passed down by Thomas of England
No trial is, ever, legitimate. Power is bestowed, others try to take it, justice is merely who tells the lies with the right words.
Masons are builders, not just your nation, all those we call "Western" they are the cartwrites, the geographers, the builders, hello our nations traditional greeting is G'day